Example sentences of "society at the time " in BNC.

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1 When Paul ( or the writer ) in I Timothy 2 tails about women not teaching men he makes this an absolute because he was reflecting Jewish society at the time .
2 The questions are similar in that both are a reflection of the values and morals of society at the time .
3 The rarer survivals can add an altogether different dimension to our understanding of the period , and serve to sharpen our awareness of the difficulty of establishing precisely how rare certain items were in society at the time .
4 Although Johnson does not go so far as to claim that the affectless society was responsible for the Moors Murders , she does feel able to argue that the general atmosphere in society at the time had ‘ infected ’ the social system , and that ‘ Brady possibly , Hindley almost certainly , have been victims of fallout ’ .
5 Consequently the first problem in tackling this mass of data , comprehending nearly 70,000 names , is to devise a taxonomy capable of transcending the obvious fact that some were richer ( or poorer ) than others — one , moreover , which bears some tangible relationship to the structure of society at the time , and preferably is verifiable in terms of contemporary theory .
6 A large part of the dominant society at the time really believed that such subjects , and suggestions were more a figment of my neurosis and my hang-ups but time has proven that view to be untrue .
7 The Royal Society at the time when the BAAS was founded was a club having a majority of non-scientific members , headed by a Royal Duke .
8 That it will not require the Insurers to provide duplicate policies or confirmation of cover except that , in the event of the borrower failing to produce evidence of cover satisfactory to the Society at the time a policy is taken out , the Society may as an exception request the Insurers to confirm cover .
9 It was the kind of notepaper being used at the Zoological Society at the time , and completely unlike anything ever used by Darwin .
10 Stimulated by Gould 's remarks , he reached for a piece of paper lying near to hand — presumably one that was being drawn on by one of the zoological draughtsmen working at the Society at the time — and proceeded to write on the reverse side of the drawing .
11 It is probable that patients join the Coeliac Society at the time of diagnosis so that this figure gives an accurate measure of those diagnosed in this age group and is very similar to our value of 19% .
12 As we have seen , there were already deep religious tensions in society at the time of the Restoration , between separatists who wanted toleration , Presbyterians and moderate Anglicans who wanted a comprehensive Church settlement but no toleration , and hard-line Anglicans who wanted the re-establishment of the Church on their own lines with no concessions to either Presbyterians or separatists .
13 depending on the building society at the time .
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