Example sentences of "position [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The news from France was that the French Army was withdrawing into prepared positions to lure the German Army into a trap , but soon everyone realised that the Germans must be sweeping all before them .
2 The broader the array of surviving sources the more likely future historians will be in a position to see the late twentieth century as the rich and diverse world that it really was .
3 ( Room 413 , Shrubhill House ) , we will be in a position to agree the final copy ready for print .
4 Within society the agencies of law and order , and those in a position to sustain the hegemonic ideology , constitute ‘ controllers ’ .
5 But by the end of this series you should be in a position to find the right horse at a fair price — and that 's what every horse buyer should be aiming for . .
6 We are now in a position to find the fair price of the futures contracts trading on LIFFE .
7 Like the chimpanzees , the ability of bluetits to learn the complex series of manoeuvres required to release a peanut from a special trick-feeder is no more difficult than many of the activities it learns during the course of its life , seeking out insects and seeds from the most intricate of places , getting itself and its beak into just the right position to extract the desired morsel .
8 Perhaps the most telling aspect of the great wad of paper work which MPs get handed at the end of the Budget statement was the revelation tucked away that , even on Norman Lamont 's most optimistic financial forecast , the UK would not be in a position to meet the European Economic convergence criteria laid down in the Maastricht Treaty .
9 So Patrick had no use for Edward Balliol ; but , by aiding Edward the Third , almost certainly saw himself as in a position to displace the unsuccessful Balliol and himself take over as King of Scots , with English support .
10 1.3 These emphatic results have given the trade union a clear mandate to pursue a better settlement and we are therefore not in a position to accept the current offer .
11 The inference seems to work roughly like this : assume B 's utterance is relevant ; if it 's relevant then given that A asked a question , B should be providing an answer ; the only way one can reconcile the assumption that B is co-operatively answering A's question with the content of B's utterance is to assume that B is not in a position to provide the full information , but thinks that the milkman 's coming might provide A with the means of deriving a partial answer .
12 For the first time since he became leader , he is in the position to set the political agenda .
13 The CLR is not in a position to replace the Tory Government .
14 In a central location and only 3 minutes walk from the mountain railway departure point , this hotel is in an ideal position to explore the surrounding countryside .
15 They will then be in a position to identify the additional resources that are needed for Africa , and to discuss how these should be created .
16 HAD anyone suggested back in December that Scotland would be in a position to win the Triple Crown by the last match of 1993 , just after the A XV had played Italy , they would probably have been led quietly away for a mental examination .
17 So Buckinghamshire is in no position to challenge the mighty NRA .
18 I was in a position to give the poor fellow employment and accommodation .
19 Why should the Leader of the House be in a position to give the wrong information to the House , given that he will almost certainly be making another business statement this week ?
20 While I accept that , I have to say that we expect those undertaking the review to have complete power to look into all areas and , specifically , to consider whether safety representatives who are not backed by a trade union are in a position to give the same kind of expert advice as would be expected from safety representatives appointed by a trade union .
21 Puts you in the position to negotiate the best possible price .
22 LINFORD CHRISTIE is in pole position to grab the Olympic 100 metres gold medal .
23 It 's a spectacular sight , as the wildfowl jockey for position to grab the biggest beak or bill full of food .
24 It 's a spectacular sight , as the wildfowl jockey for position to grab the biggest beak or bill full of food .
25 We are now in a position to calculate the radial path length to the surface labelled by r : for the case when K is positive .
26 ( iii ) The addition of non-standard do-it-yourself devices can obviously provide a wide range of spectacular additional facilities , but ( except in the unlikely event of the program designers and programmers being in a position to market the additional hardware device with the program ) the use of such devices is impractical for any program intended for use in a range of establishments .
27 It would be naive to think that HIV has not crossed the border yet , but compared with other countries Albania is in a favourable position to keep the pandemic within limits .
28 The net result of this state of affairs is that there exist citadels of private economic power ( Unger , 1983 ) — that is , relatively small groups of people who are in a position to control the basic terms of collective prosperity by making crucial decisions about investment and deployment of capital .
29 Within that framework schools and education authorities are in the best position to judge the particular form which the curriculum should take in the light of each school 's individual circumstances and the needs of its pupils .
30 If we build on and enhance that experience we will be in the right position to face the new decade with confidence and vision .
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