Example sentences of "remain in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Remaining in the same position , cross your ankles and , using the strength from the legs to work against themselves , attempt to pull the legs apart .
2 So far , we have mostly considered the use of fourth chords in situations where only one vertical chord is built of perfect fourths superimposed , each note remaining in the same register .
3 Only eight out of 26 ministers retained their posts in a new Cabinet announced on July 19 ; key ministries remaining in the same hands included Defence under Maj.-Gen.
4 And this had implications for their motion : Because God is immutable , the bodies He created would remain in the same condition unless they were subject to external causes .
5 There are relatively few territorial sites , which the strongest male ruffs occupy ; these sites , called leks , tend to remain in the same place every year .
6 Maintaining initial capital intact would be useless if you wanted to remain in the same business .
7 Claudia felt as if she were running hard to remain in the same place .
8 Perhaps even more valuable are those servicemen and servicewomen who are sufficiently secure , motivated , well paid and content to remain in the same job for fifteen , twenty or thirty years , providing a continuity of local knowledge that is invaluable to those who come to rely upon them .
9 Gould would have been happy to remain in the same spot if it would continue providing him with novelties .
10 Today most of the cutlery works remain in the same part of modern Sheffield .
11 Most Danish pupils remain in the same class group for all subjects for all nine or 10 years of their primary and lower secondary education … .
12 Consider a cube which is disassembled into its pieces and imagine reassembling the pieces so that the outside facelets remain outside and the centres remain in the same relative positions .
13 Remain in the same position and , keeping the top leg straight , flex the foot .
14 And even if you remain in the same location , you could still feel unsettled .
15 Members of an established company scheme at the time of the 1989 Budget , who remain in the same scheme — or who change schemes within the same group of associated employers — are not affected by the change .
16 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
17 In Lambert v. Lewis ( 1981 H.L. ) Lord Diplock said that the condition of fitness for purpose was a continuing obligation ‘ that the goods will continue to be fit for that purpose for a reasonable time after delivery , so long as they remain in the same apparent state and condition as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear . ’
18 Nicholas Edwards at the Welsh Office , George Younger at the Scottish Office , and Mrs Thatcher herself had remained in the same posts since May 1979 .
19 With Lord Hailsham 's retirement as Lord Chancellor in 1988 , Mrs Thatcher alone had remained in the same post and only Peter Walker , George Younger , and Sir Geoffrey Howe had been in the Cabinet continuously .
20 A portrait of a child by Luis Paret y Alcazar ( 1746–1799 ) which has remained in the same family since it was painted is expected to sell for more than Pta40 million ( £220,000 ; $429,000 ) .
21 Many of the tenants buying would have remained in the same houses , so there would not have been ‘ voids ’ for allocation in any case .
22 Now as the garage grew , the , the blacksmith 's shop was , it still remained in the same place but the remainder of the cottages were made into the garage , and the garden ground in between was filled in between with sheds with corrugated iron roofs .
23 Its site has not altered and the chancel arch ( the division between the parishioners ' area [ the nave ] and the rector 's area [ the chancel ] ) has remained in the same position for 1000 years or more , notwithstanding additions , alterations , and demolitions .
24 Seb rode to where Noah Plunkett still sat on his sheepskin ‘ throne ’ , giving the impression he had remained in the same place since the wedding party began .
25 The only year where they coincide is nineteen twenty , the great erm influenza epidemic actually killed more people than the first world war , and er as you 'll see , despite increasing trends in health care which have reduced the overall rate , the difference in death rate between males and females has remained in the same or , if anything , widened slightly in recent years .
26 Now it is perfectly true that some families remained in the same district for hundreds of years .
27 A fellow of mediocre talent will remain a mediocrity , whether he travels or not ; but one of superior talent ( which without impiety I can not deny that I possess ) will go to seed , if he always remains in the same place .
28 Even though the local advantages for power and raw materials have gone , the industry remains in the same place .
29 In other words , the most difficult tasks found within any given layer are all characterized by the same type or category of complexity , just as water remains in the same liquid state from 0 degrees to 100 degrees Celsius , even though it ranges from very cold to very hot .
30 It said yesterday that Mr Major remained in the same predicament as his predecessor .
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