Example sentences of "remain [adj] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 There is ample evidence that those ties remain strong even as the character of networks changes in other ways and thus these basic family links continue to be the first line of defence , the more so because other forms of association may weaken .
2 The airport was set to remain closed today as talks continued , but a spokesman said the management was ‘ fairly hopeful ’ of a successful outcome .
3 He was certainly no coward , but he was likely to remain steady only as long as he could see his way clear and be sure of what to do .
4 ( 2 ) Even if we restrict our attention to those trajectories in our strange invariant set , we can see that almost all pairs of trajectories started at points close together on the top face of the box B will not remain close together as we follow them around .
5 You may feel inadequate at this point , because whatever you do for her will not seem to lift the cloud of her despair , but by being willing simply to be there and available in the background , accepting uncritically her inevitable mood-swings , and allowing her to talk , weep , or remain silent just as she wishes , you will be proving your concern for her ; and loving concern and the right to grieve in their own way is what the bereaved need most of all .
6 Mr Major remained buoyant yesterday as he campaigned in Cambridgeshire , insisting that the Tories were on course for victory .
7 LATIN American reaction to the new Bush Administration assertiveness remained unclear yesterday as troops were deployed around the US embassy in Nicaragua , and diplomats warned that the invasion of Panama was a dangerous precedent which could be used to justify further US intervention in the region .
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