Example sentences of "action against the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Nor does he render a service in country B or anywhere else by refraining in consequence of the grant from taking preventive action against the grantee .
2 The party leadership in Scotland has dismissed that on the grounds that those MPs who are associated with Scotland United represent constituencies where action against the carrying of knives would have the greatest effect .
3 In February , Gysi threatened legal action against the Land of Bavaria when the Bavarian government put the party under surveillance on the grounds that it might be dangerous to the Constitution .
4 In return , Abu Dhabi is seeking an undertaking from at least 70 p.c. of creditors with claims of more than $7 billion ( £4.1 billion ) not to pursue any legal action against the majority shareholders .
5 Which was on your own world , in the action against the Ork pirates . ’
6 The Australian government has made it easier to take action against the discrimination and demeaning of women by the country 's media .
7 Pick in brought an action against the Board , claiming that by virtue of s. 259 he was the owner of that land to mid-track .
8 So the butcher took no more meat from L who brought an action against the union officials for conspiracy to injure him .
9 The company brought an action against the union officials .
10 The best hope of breaking the current deadlock may lie in a threat by the European Parliament to take legal action against the Council of Ministers in the European Court of Justice .
11 Failure to meet statutory requirements could result in legal action against the Council by the EC , the Forth River Purification Board and the Government .
12 An " international brigade " of young environmentalists who have taken direct action against the construction work have in turn been attacked by a " valley militia " of locals who support the development .
13 On March 20th victims were advised to take legal action against the Water Authority , and now today the boiling order is removed .
14 If the reserve price had not been notified and the bidder had no reason to know of it , then the bidder will have an action against the auctioneer for breach of the auctioneer 's warranty of authority .
15 The Iranian government , influenced perhaps by its approaching presidential election , thought this the moment to take muscular action against the irritant .
16 This meeting agrees to provide a reasonable level of financial and logistical and other support to those students who wish to pursue legal action against the CLE , who are not eligible for legal aid .
17 This ‘ breach ’ of medical confidentiality was later strongly condemned by Health Minister , Kenneth Clarke , and described as a ‘ disgrace ’ by Opposition health spokesperson , Gwyneth Dunwoody , who wanted disciplinary action against the person concerned .
18 In many societies , the clothing , ornaments and tools belonging to an individual may be considered so integral to him or her that to touch or do harm to these inanimate objects is considered indistinguishable from taking the same action against the person .
19 She was willing to give evidence about his Mob links in 1970 ; today , she says he was an enthusiastic bisexual who involved J Edgar Hoover in sexual orgies just as the Kennedys were trying to make him take action against the Mob .
20 The referee , Malcolm McEwan ( Hawick Harlequins ) , took no action against the Border club 's players and apparently abandoned the match on the grounds of safety .
21 The referee , Malcolm McEwan ( Hawick Harlequins ) , took no action against the Border club 's players and apparently abandoned the match on the grounds of safety .
22 The farmers ' lack of legal action against the company was based on an uncertainty about what their legal rights were , particularly in regard to mineral rights , lack of financial resources to risk going to law and no reliable information on the worth of the minerals .
23 Riche brought an action against the company seeking to enforce the contract .
24 The majority are signing undertakings to cease action against the company in return for payments ranging from five hundred to five thousand pounds .
25 He says they may take action against the company that made the barrier , or if they ca n't be traced , the Department of Transport .
26 He is calling for shoppers to boycott Star Discount and wants the council to take legal action against the company .
27 Covenant theology itself empowers the people to take action against the state in certain and specific circumstances , and Ian Paisley and many of his supporters both within and without the Orange order have frequently used bully-boy tactics , and approved paramilitary processions , marching , and drilling .
28 Since the forms of the Council Directive were unconditional and sufficiently precise , they could be relied upon by an individual in an action against the state , but not against another individual .
29 Matthew planned to take the Government to the European Court of Human rights after his family 's civil action against the school failed .
30 Her action against the school ( the first defendants ) failed but she recovered from the second defendants .
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