Example sentences of "add [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Can I make a suggestion rather than re-numbering all those , its going to be quite a long job , is that from what I can see at the moment there is no reason why that ca n't be added on as a last sentence to nine anyway , cause nine says you records the outcome of the enquiry , .
2 The tailwheel was made to be retractable and a third seat was added along with a gun position .
3 Filters were added directly to a PCR reaction and amplification was with the M13 primers ( forward and reverse ) , and then with the nested set of primers T3 ( 5'-ATTAACCCTCACTAAAG-3 ’ ) and T7 ( 5'-AATACGACTCACTATAG-3' ) .
4 Remember that a large pattern on a small floor will look overcrowded , and a simple plain floor increases the sense of spaciousness — pattern can always be added later with a rug .
5 It all added up to a premonition of tragedy for Charles .
6 All the little steps have added up to a high achievement .
7 The spectacular aerial shots , Prof Burland 's lightly worn erudition , the delicious dollops of Verdi and Rossini and the ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek commentary added up to a ‘ Carry on Leaning ’ that I felt obliged to watch all over again .
8 His heavy gold rings and his bomber jacket and his wide-foot stance had added up to a man of experience in my eyes .
9 The subsequent departure of both Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett and the passing of the years in general have all added up to a change of direction for the band .
10 These two incidents hardly added up to a minimal knowledge of the principality .
11 I was utterly baffled , but I gave you the benefit of every doubt , which by this time added up to a couple of thousand .
12 It all added up to a hotel bedroom .
13 This all adds up to a bleak picture for corporate UK .
14 It adds up to a picture of a man in a wider context that just as a fighter pilot .
15 This seldom adds up to a coherent investment plan , but may be more simply described as a way of keeping things going until better days arrive .
16 It adds up to a drag factor that is 13% ‘ slippier ’ through the air , which helps economy and reduces wind noise .
17 Remember , a loss of between 2 and 4 lb per month adds up to a 24–48 lb drop in a year , 48–96 lb over two years .
18 That adds up to a good campaign in Labour 's view : no gaffes , lots of pictures , and a positive message delivered in controlled surroundings .
19 This little difference adds up to a large saving .
20 Maintaining safety in the home is an expensive business and , for families with children , the purchase of recommended safety equipment — such as car safety seats , stair gates , a playpen and a cooker guard — adds up to a considerable sum .
21 This adds up to a very substantial collection , and I hope before too long we may find another set with the Organ and Piano Concertos , along with Prêtre 's recordings of the Gloria and Stabat Mater ( the earlier one with Régine Crespin ) and the almost unknown Sept Responses des Ténèbres , a simply glorious choral and orchestral piece with Prêtre recorded in 1983 and which appeared on a Pathé Marconi LP in 1984 .
22 Our friendly bar with its extensive range of beers , real ales and cocktails , combined with the latest music , dancing and entertainment , adds up to a memorable evening in a convivial atmosphere .
23 This adds up to a total cost of just under £20 bn , or about £6,600 per unemployed person .
24 It all adds up to a pleasant ‘ lived in ’ atmosphere .
25 But to be forever in child-bed , surrounded by countless sons and daughters , many of them ill ; to run a self-supporting household with endless heavy domestic chores ; to be victim to a view that a woman 's one means of self-fulfilment must be through the home — all that adds up to a state of affairs not to be envied .
26 This adds up to a loss of £9.57 .
27 Together with some unique little touches — a new menu of European and Japanese dishes , newly designed china , and real glassware — it all adds up to a world of difference .
28 It all adds up to a better deal , for your managers , your training budget and for effective corporate management development .
29 We 've been frozen out there , and that order was worth a couple of million sterling , and that adds up to a hefty pile of wage packets .
30 This adds up to a threat to the source of Japan 's post-war strength .
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