Example sentences of "expect [noun prp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She expected Lucy to head for their office : no one else was ever in before noon on the top floor .
2 No doubt both men , as supporters of the Gothic Revival , expected Scott to adhere to his stated principles .
3 ‘ I expect England to revert to the front row that has done so well for so long , which means I must play out of my skin against Moore for the chance to face the guy again next week .
4 To ensure it wo n't be a pain in Spain I expect Graham to rely on his tested experienced players and sprinkle them with a blend of youth .
5 Expect Tom delayed by Lord Pratworth .
6 We pray — and expect God to respond within seconds .
7 Hari felt a rush of disappointment , she had expected Lewis to jump at the chance of earning some money but it seemed he was reluctant to take her venture seriously .
8 By 1990 , industry observers expect Japan to account for 30 per cent of world sales of computer-related goods , compared with 11.2 per cent in December 1980 .
9 School was over for the day and Sara had expected Jenny to arrive before this .
10 Prior to the Miyagi defeat most commentators had expected Miyazawa to survive as party leader at least until the elections for half of the 252 upper house seats , scheduled for July .
11 He expected Maud to come into his bed .
12 In a statement issued on March 28 the Mongolian Foreign Ministry announced that it expected Russia to abide by a March 1990 Soviet-Mongolian agreement which stipulated that all Soviet troops would withdraw from Mongolia by Aug. 30 , 1992 [ see p. 37318 ] .
13 While chairman and chief executive , Peter Bonfield , said he is still ‘ not seeing the wide green shoots ’ of recovery , he does expect ICL to stay in the black during the coming year .
14 Do n't expect Alan checked on you yesterday .
15 He has a lifetime 's belongings here and we could hardly expect Carrie to move into Fern Cottage . ’
16 In the novel itself , where we might expect Marmeladov to speak of solace , respite , forgetting , companionship , he grasps the paradox that he drinks because he is in search of suffering , of ‘ tears and tribulation ’ .
17 Men 's movement gurus might expect Lowe to turn on Mom , but he does n't .
18 ‘ I never expected Maurice to die in such a way .
19 The policeman should have known better than to expect Duncan to fall for a cheap trick like that .
20 To expect Paul to call for the abolition of slavery at this point in time is to be guilty of unhistorical thinking .
21 Yes we have obviously got problems throughout the team , and I think it was too much to expect Leeds to put in a real championship challenge .
22 The sergeant thought Blanche would be tired after the tension of the previous hour or two , and he expected Blanche to sit at her desk quietly for a few minutes .
23 Naidoo reiterated that the NSC was expecting Sacu to come to a decision and could not ease it for them by offering guarantees of future tours .
24 Microsoft senior vice president Paul Maritz told Compaq Computer Corp he was expecting NT to ship by the end of June .
25 Microsoft senior vice-president Paul Maritz told Compaq Computer Corp he was expecting NT to ship by the end of June and Sequent Computer Systems Inc was told pretty much the same .
26 In 1710 financiers in the City of London had formed the South Sea Company to bid for the right to use the privileges they expected Britain to get at the end of the war .
27 Cynically , Leila considered Lazar probably expected Nathan to indulge in a little snooping for him , find out what Roirbak was working on nowadays .
28 Chairman and chief executive , Peter Bonfield , expects ICL to stay in the black during the coming year , but concedes that short-term profits may well be hit as the group invests in trying to grow market share , enter new business sectors , and undertake further restructuring to reduce its cost base .
29 The Department of Industry will pay for the first three years , but after that expects FABMS to pay for itself .
30 He expected Charity to scoff at such weakness , but surprisingly , she seemed only to be concerned with how that could be arranged .
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