Example sentences of "expect [art] [adj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 No one expected the pastoral Masai to go out to work en masse as agricultural labourers for the Europeans , and so their officers were spared the necessity of acting as labour recruiters — in itself enough to lighten the heart of any administrative officer in Kenya .
2 Moreover , the new credits entailed a transfer from husbands to wives or , as the issue came to be known , from ‘ wallet to purse ’ , and hence one might have expected the male-dominated TUC to be opposed to them .
3 But few expect the incumbent Mr Dinkins to say much about slimming his own government .
4 We expect the final PPG Note to be compatible with existing guidance .
5 Andrew and Wendy will miss Pete in Hong Kong , but so intelligent and sensitive a canine is he , they can expect the warmest Yorkshire welcome when they pay a return visit .
6 And he certainly did n't expect the said Britton to be pointing at him in a manner usually affected by people like Darth Vader or Banquo .
7 One would expect the older Wordsworth to trot out the arguments of the Established Church at this point : instead he says he does
8 You would not expect a self-respecting La Paz office worker to walk down a main street fondling a doll 's house three-piece-suite or a Dinky-sized Toyota jeep .
9 Piontek said : ‘ People are expecting a new Lineker to come through straight away and that is not possible .
10 ( Perhaps this was where the first shock to people in the field arose 0 as one said , ‘ we were expecting an all-singing Branson man and what we got was , although he could be very charming , a quiet , distinctly unvibrant and very determined person ’ . )
11 Stratus fault-tolerant systems , which are re-badged by a host of companies , including IBM Corp as the System/88 , and Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA as CPS , expects the various OEM arrangements it has to carry on through into its HP era .
12 UI expects a fully-converged ABI to result over time , which will eventually include some form of requirement for a common development environment .
13 THE Home Secretary has told colleagues that he expects a fresh Commons debate on the death penalty before the next election and that he would speak and vote for its restoration as a deterrent for some murders .
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