Example sentences of "sit down to a " in BNC.

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1 On Saturday nights around 30 people sit down to a four-course SE Asian banquet .
2 Playing a Stableford of the three best individual scores , they finish about 3½ hours later and sit down to a breakfast provided by the ladies .
3 It occurred to her that most people , her former self included , would not walk away from an attack by a homicidal transvestite and sit down to a healthy breakfast .
4 Just over two million of our pupils sit down to a knife-and-fork meal at midday .
5 In one house a family of six sit down to a meal , using three-legged chairs and chunks of masonry for seats .
6 ‘ I am not about to sit down to a meal with you , ’ she said bitingly , ‘ Nor am I — ’
7 On the evening you then had perhaps 100 or more guests altogether sitting down to a splendid meal followed afterwards by an entertainment organised by some of the men of the congregation .
8 On Sunday diners are sitting down to a meal at the Garden of India restaurant in Bondgate .
9 For just £2.75 the happy eater can sit down to a plate of fish , chips , mushy peas and a bread bun .
10 to there hiatus , hiatus hernia , ooh terrible you 're stitched all inside ooh it 's like you could sit down to a beautiful tea tonight and enjoy it and then you could sit down to your breakfast in morning , one bite and that was you finished
11 I sat down to a great Conservative cheer and then Michael Meacher had his opportunity .
12 Mrs Knelle soon appeared in a dressing gown , and we sat down to a soothing breakfast of toast .
13 Ninety guests , including André Gide , Picasso , Max Jacob , Matisse , Vlaminck and Cocteau , sat down to a meal of fantasy .
14 Willie Learmouth the session clerk came by today for the Intimations and he 's an awful nice man , one of Nature 's Gentlemen , went to Allan Glen 's when that meant something , his wife 's got a plastic hip but you never hear him complain , anyway he sat down to a wee cup of tea and naturally he could not resist my all butter shortbread ‘ Nettie , ’ says he , ‘ your petticoat tails would melt in a man 's mouth . ’
15 Pale and shaking , they sat down to a muted conversation about where the day 's campaign would be fought .
16 The Duchess of Kent and 60 guests sat down to a delicious fish meal while patients had to make do with quiche or ham salad .
17 Knowing that not many Southwark families sat down to a breakfast like that , the Beavises blessed their luck and addressed the world with beaming gratitude .
18 Her parents were a benign though distant presence and it was n't until Charles was seven that he actually sat down to a meal with his father in the downstairs dining-room .
19 I was a little tired and went to my room to rest before dressing for dinner and he sat down to a game of Patience .
20 Others , conscious that they were eating the equivalent of a diamond brooch or a sapphire pendant , sat down to a last giddy meal eating before the Collector could get his hands on it , all at once , what they had hoarded for weeks .
21 Except when he was entertaining I doubt if he ever sat down to a three-course meal .
22 I 've forgotten the last time we really enjoyed ourselves together and sat down to a meal uninterrupted by telephone calls . ’
23 At 7 o'clock the office bearers , a number of the brethren and their lady friends sat down to a sumptuous repast in a granary tastefully decorated with evergreen and flags and after a long toast list the tables were removed for dancing .
24 They sat down to a celebration champagne lunch with Dai Davies , the farm manager , and set about opening the heaps of telegrams and congratulatory letters ‘ so that we really felt on top of the world ’ .
25 Over 130 sat down to a five course meal and afterwards danced to the music of Scarhill Sound under leader Jim Drysdale of RoyScot Factors .
26 Finally , after the audience 's taste buds had been thoroughly excited , we sat down to a gourmet meal with invited guests , Professor Andrew Keller of the Physics Department and Professor Richard Gregory from the Brain and Perception Unit .
27 By the time they sat down to a light but elegant dinner , a warm rapport had grown between the two women .
28 The smiling white face of William Ehrman , young third secretary at the British Embassy , was a reassuring presence at the table , when we sat down to a welcoming drink .
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