Example sentences of "sit at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Her mother had sat at the crowded dinner table , drinking steadily and smoking and speculating aloud on why her daughter had married costive Brian .
2 But when they were sitting at the oval table in the dining-room , eating Mrs Purry 's admirable steak and kidney pudding and drinking a full-bodied Burgundy , Penelope found herself next to Rupert , who talked very pleasantly about Italy , remembering that Penelope was shortly to visit Rome with the parish party , and told her of things she ought to see and restaurants where she might eat .
3 He derived some comfort from Rajiv 's habitual elegance ; wearing a suit , shirt and tie that must have cost two months of his salary as an Assistant Under-Secretary of State , he was sitting at the other side of the large , uncompromising desk that the Department provides for its most senior officials , not a hair out of place and his black eyes alive with amusement .
4 Laura was ironing at the kitchen table , John sitting at the other end of the table with a bottle and glass in front of him .
5 Jackson have long stood for high quality American instruments , with their Japanese- and Korean-made Charvel counterparts sitting at the other end of the corporate see-saw .
6 The man sitting at the other end of the bench took a quarter-bottle of whisky from the pocket of his torn donkey-jacket , twisted off the gold tin top and took a swig .
7 The block of paranoia sitting at the other end of the table minutely shifted shape .
8 In court , address all judges from the High Court upwards ( including both circuit judges and recorders when acting as High Court judges , and including also all judges sitting at the Central Criminal Courts ) as ‘ my Lord/Lady . ’
9 The Magistrates sitting at the new Court buildings in Liskeard , dealing mainly with motoring offences , together with drunkenness and minor public order offences , are continuing a long standing tradition of ‘ grass roots ’ justice .
10 From the corner where she squatted on a stool , she watched Midnight quietly serving the six people sitting at the long table ; n the centre of the room and , in spite of her hunger , was impressed by the careful , unobtrusive way he worked — standing always on the left of each person , never knocking against them or even brushing the backs of their tall chairs .
11 I was usually summoned by telephone and invited round to Downing Street at 8 p.m. , when Wilson would be alone in the Cabinet room , which he preferred to any office or study , and where , sitting at the long Cabinet table , I often found myself in the seat normally occupied by the Chancellor of the Exchequer and enjoyed moments of brief delusional glory !
12 Was silly old Eli sitting at the wrong gate ?
13 Some of the people sitting at the big table did not even raise their eyes .
14 When he entered , she was sitting at the big table .
15 Adele Venetz , the sister that Wayne always thought of as the quiet one , had been sitting at the big rolling-out table as he 'd entered the restaurant kitchen .
16 We talked for a while , and then my parents , surprisingly tactfully , murmured things about shopping and left me and Anna sitting at the little round table , under the blue umbrella .
17 I closed my eyes and thought about the trapped , compressed spring and the little slug sitting at the shiny bottom of the rifled tube .
18 ‘ We ca n't work out how he could have killed his wife while he was sitting at the opposite end of the table , ’ said Constable Bewman näively .
19 He had seen her sitting at the high table among the other ladies of noble birth who served the Empress .
20 The rooms could have been empty , it was impossible to tell , and in fact when I came to the special dining car I found a good number of the passengers sitting at the unlaid tables , just chatting .
21 He takes his time strolling over , and when he gets here he sits at the far end of the bench like he does n't know me .
22 It is useful to sit at the corner of a small table ( a card table is excellent ) whilst your discussion partner sits at the opposite comer — ensuring a one-to-one contact and leaving space between you .
23 In here , the couple like to sit at the circular polished pine reproduction table with matching chairs bought from a local shop in a nearby village .
24 ‘ All he does is sit at the front window looking out or just sits on the bench on a sunny day like Monday .
25 When the kitchen was clean and the children put to bed , Beth and David would go to the sitting room , where he would sit at the circular table , head bent over documents and rent books .
26 ‘ Come and have a drink , ’ said Cormack , and they moved into the bar and sat at the fixed tables and watched the glasses slide from rim to rim .
27 When I fink of all that time 'e jus ' sat at the front door wiv 'is 'ead in 'is 'ands , I shudder .
28 She went into the kitchen and tidied up , and then sat at the front window , watching people pass , hunched in her own disillusionment .
29 The only sounds in the room were the scratching of his pen-nib as he made each entry , and the chink of coins as he counted them out of the cash box — and the heavy breathing of Marcus Judge , who sat at the other side of the desk , his eyes fixed upon his son .
30 And it sat at the other side of the gate
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