Example sentences of "sit at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Swear when he was sat at the top of the stairs shivering he looked so thin .
2 was she sat at the bottom you know
3 A tall woman of about forty , who had sat at the back , slipped away without speaking to anyone .
4 Well I mean the motion actually has been moved , I do take the point , I mean it 's a fair point , but erm not sure where John 's sat sat at the back , yes
5 I pulled out the stool which Billy must have sat at the desk on , and began to rifle through things in no particular order .
6 He remembered all the nights when his sisters had sat at the end of his bed and sobbed their hearts out over some man .
7 Subsequently the student 's study is devoted to Chemistry , on which written examinations are sat at the end of the third year .
8 This was the first time Minton had sat at the wheel throughout the entire journey and his ineptitude was such that , after repeated jolts and much stalling , Norman saw they would get nowhere unless he took over .
9 Many are the times me wife and I have sat at the table with a large sheet of graph paper and worked it all out , only to find that either my ruler 's idea of an inch does n't tally with the real thing , or the width of a pencil line on the plan actually equates to a foot in real life .
10 He had presided , sitting at the desk , but had n't used the blotter .
11 But something kept me sitting at the desk .
12 He told me to wait , but soon I was ushered into an office with an enormous map of Parma province on the wall , and a senior officer in uniform sitting at the desk .
13 He found Kersey , sitting at the desk in an upstair , borrowed office surrounded by house-to-house reports prepared on the premises .
14 When Schellenberg , vent into the small medical room , Eggar was sitting at the desk while the Legation 's doctor taped his right hand .
15 He found her sitting at the desk which was quite clear .
16 Lucy Lane was sitting at the desk , turning the pages of a loose-leaf manuscript file .
17 Sitting at the desk , she drew a deep breath .
18 because , you know , you will see a couple of doctors wandering around and sitting at the desk
19 The teacher was sitting at the pastry table with several children .
20 While he talked with Atkins , writes Walker , ‘ Norma and Dulcie were symbolically , sitting at the stern , neither of the men thinking to tell them of the course they were plotting . ’
21 I could n't face sitting at the station waiting for him to turn up : I was damn well going to make him wait for me .
22 When sitting at the breakfast table you may not actually measure the distance between your hand and the coffee cup , but you seldom miss .
23 She threw her arms around Piers where he was sitting at the breakfast table , and nipped his neck with her teeth .
24 She had expected to find them both still in bed , and was surprised by the noises from the kitchen , but she poked her head round the door and saw Maggie sitting at the kitchen table eating Weetabix in a reassuringly healthy way .
25 Meanwhile Maggie stayed sitting at the kitchen table .
26 He was sitting at the kitchen table , wearing one of Buddie 's shirts and sipping cocoa from a large cup , when his nanny , Buddie 's mam , arrived at the house .
27 So he was sitting at the kitchen table eating his plate of beans when Donald walked in .
28 Later , while sitting at the kitchen table making a special list of people to help with Easter flowers , and a subsidiary list of those who might be approached to donate Easter lilies , Anna and her conscience had a little tussle .
29 Peter had heard all this , sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea , and a sandwich made for him by Anna to sustain him to the far side of compline .
30 Janine was now sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette .
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