Example sentences of "require [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For this purpose auditors are entitled , under section 237(3) , to inspect the company 's books and to require from the company 's officers such information as they think necessary for the performance of their duties .
2 Taking the view as I do that this breach was incapable of remedy , it was unnecessary to require in the notice that the defendant should remedy the breach .
3 This government has got to be really be joking with its proposals for example the West Coast Line from north to south is estimated to require in the region of eight hundred million to cover track repairs and modernization as well as outdated rolling stock and signal replacements .
4 Correct parrying requires of the defender only a simple movement of the wrist .
5 In fact , the process of assessment requires of the practitioner the ability to apply a range of knowledge and theory , to formulate information in the light of knowledge and theory , to summarize , prioritize , analyse , make predictions , and to exercise the professional judgements necessary to balance competing imperatives and to assess risk .
6 But a ‘ drive towards truth ’ it might be argued , is surely an attitude the science teacher requires in the school laboratory .
7 This immense work requires from the performer a breadth of vision and sense of construction to unify its disparate parts together with a consummate technique .
8 To define the different forms of theism and atheism is no easy task , and it requires from the start a degree of modesty and admission that we can not hope to cover everything !
9 The communicative approach , however , requires from the tutors the ability to relate language to specific meaning , social context , and communicative function .
10 That is to say , the infant must convert stimulation from light rays , sound waves , from the speech stream into the appropriate representational grist if it is to get the kind of information that it requires from the world ; but this gleaning of information does not constitute thought .
11 ‘ The high commissioner and the special envoy are requiring from the factions new guarantees and firm assurances that aid will reach the victims of the war in Bosnia , ’ the UNHCR spokesman in Zagreb , Peter Kessler , said .
12 Because I I I 've said this to him before on on the floor of the house , that is what we are required to do in the insurance brokers registration council for all insurance broking firms , that is what parliament required in the insurance brokers registration act and it is not an onerous requirement on firms , it is not excessively expensive so it would meet I believe , any cost compliance test er that erm the er the D T I might wish to insist be carried out .
13 As the moment approached for a key procedural vote that would make or break Reagan 's programme , Stockman received an agitated telephone call from Bill Thomas , a conservative Republican from California and an agent of the administration on Capitol Hill : This extended quotation provides a fascinating picture of the American pluralist system in operation while helping us to understand why the Reaganites were successful in fashioning the coalitions they required in the House of Representatives .
14 It required from the pianist an unbelievable independence of hands and fingers , so that unevenly spread accents and criss-crossing figurations appeared to drop into place without obvious effort .
15 An integrated OED , i.e. a version in which the Supplement material has all been inserted in the correct places and any alterations to the text of the OED required by the wording of the Supplement have been made .
16 Identify the number of staff ( if any ) in each category which OUP will require for the systems you propose .
17 Subsection ( 1 ) empowers the Bank by notice in writing served on an authorised institution to require them to provide to the Bank such information as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under the Act .
18 ‘ The Bank may — ( a ) by notice in writing served on an authorised institution require it to produce , within such time and at such place as may be specified in the notice , such document or documents of such description as may be so specified ; ( b ) authorise an officer , servant or agent of the Bank , on producing evidence of his authority , to require any such institution to provide him forthwith with such information , or to produce to him forthwith such documents , as he may specify , being such information or documents as the Bank may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act .
19 It is common ground that it is a prerequisite of the notice that the documents sought are such as the bank ‘ may reasonably require for the performance of its functions under this Act . ’
20 Specifically , the Commissioner has three functions : ( a ) to keep under review the carrying out by the Home Secretary of the functions conferred upon him or her by the Act ; ( b ) to keep under review the adequacy of any arrangements made for the purposes of restricting the use and distribution of the intercepted material ; ( c ) to give the Tribunal all such assistance as the Tribunal may require for the purpose of enabling it to carry out its statutory functions .
21 ‘ to furnish to them … any information in his possession or control which the Treasury … may require for the purpose of securing compliance with or detecting evasion of this Act : ’
22 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonable require .
23 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
24 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , as and when we may reasonably require .
25 You have agreed to ensure that any information which we may require for the purpose of providing the services set out in this letter is made available to us , and when we may reasonably require .
26 The following is an example of a suitable clause : It is hereby agreed that notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein or in the Articles of Association the investor shall be entitled at any time after Completion to transfer all or any part of the investor 's shares to another investor or investors approved by the Managers ( such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed ) to the intent and effect that any such investors shall be entitled to the benefit of all such provisions of this Agreement and Articles of Association as the investor shall require and the Managers and the Company shall do or procure to be done ( insofar as it lies within their respective powers ) all such matters and things , including the execution of all such documents as shall be necessary or which the Investors shall reasonably require for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this clause .
27 The Funding Council shall make such reports or returns and give such information to the Secretary of State as he may require for the purposes of the exercise of his powers and the performance of his duties under this Part of this Act .
28 This is a new requirement for most information systems , which have simply expanded to contain ever more data , relevant and timely or not ; but it is surely little more than good practice should require in the interests of efficient and economical operation .
29 ‘ Particulars of any such departure ’ — a statement of the treatment which the Act would normally require in the circumstances and a description of the treatment actually adopted ;
30 But we very much hope that the map will stay in Hereford and that we shall have the money we require for the Cathedral .
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