Example sentences of "require [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The communicative approach , however , requires from the tutors the ability to relate language to specific meaning , social context , and communicative function .
2 ‘ The high commissioner and the special envoy are requiring from the factions new guarantees and firm assurances that aid will reach the victims of the war in Bosnia , ’ the UNHCR spokesman in Zagreb , Peter Kessler , said .
3 Identify the number of staff ( if any ) in each category which OUP will require for the systems you propose .
4 The Funding Council shall make such reports or returns and give such information to the Secretary of State as he may require for the purposes of the exercise of his powers and the performance of his duties under this Part of this Act .
5 This is a new requirement for most information systems , which have simply expanded to contain ever more data , relevant and timely or not ; but it is surely little more than good practice should require in the interests of efficient and economical operation .
6 ‘ Particulars of any such departure ’ — a statement of the treatment which the Act would normally require in the circumstances and a description of the treatment actually adopted ;
7 In Miami alone there are reported to be more than fifty botanicas — shops selling all the necessities of the cult — and there are also pet-shops specializing in the doves , chickens and peacocks which devotees require for the rituals .
8 It consists also in attitudes about what justice and fairness require in the relations between government and governed , and some of these must be fundamental .
9 It consists also in attitudes about what justice and fairness require in the relations between government and the governed , and some of these must be fundamental .
10 Large heatsinks are not required as the dissipations in the Darlington switch and the diode are very small .
11 Graham commented that in practice budgeting was usually a matter of upgrading finding bared on historical foundations rather than calculating what was required for the services that were needed , and he referred to university funding being ‘ budget-led ’ rather than ‘ product-led ’ .
12 The other advantage of affray for the prosecutor is that it requires a less exacting proof of mens rea than is required for the offences against the person .
13 But what has been said so far , that the flipping and the circumstance including it were required for the wipers ' starting to work , is consistent with the cause existing without that effect .
14 Experience is required for the connections from an eye to continue to control its fair share of cortical neurons , and joint experience is required for joint control ( adapted from Hubel and Wiesel , reference 5 and Hubel 1988 : see Further Reading ) .
15 All holders of non-British passports and British passports issued abroad should check if any special permits are required for the countries they are visiting or passing through .
16 Suppose , for example , we had as our task the programming of two robots in such a way that they could systematically aid one another in an open range of tasks : what properties beyond the specific abilities required for the tasks would they need to have ?
17 Colleagues this is taking away the trade union 's right to negotiate a redundancy package on behalf of our members we need to negotiate a package when it 's required for the members and for the members being forced out of their jobs with just a statutory they should recompense their service .
18 The other conditions of an effect , by which I again mean particulars or tokens rather than types — it would again be more accurate to speak of individual properties and relations — are also required or alternatively required for the effects .
19 This was surprising in view of the fact that , under this Act , it is the local authorities who are empowered to provide and maintain such buildings , vehicles , apparatus , and equipment as may be required for the police purposes of their area .
20 How much money has been received by way of those orders from the seventh directive of the European Community 's shipbuilding intervention fund , and how much of that money will be used to purchase from United Kingdom manufacturers the goods and services required for the vessels ?
21 The search must be no more than reasonably required for the purposes of discovering such evidence and there must be reasonable grounds for believing that such evidence will be found .
22 The last page contains a summary of the information required for the purposes of section 13 , though some consideration is also required of the first page .
23 The types of behaviour to which this motivation is said to lead include employing a larger staff than is required for the purposes of the business , lavish expenditure on office accommodation , transport , and various forms of entertainment , and on image- building ( but not cost-justified ) advertising , and charitable giving .
24 Its powers to use a witness summons are restricted in that , for example , it can not compel the production of documents merely required for the purposes of cross-examination .
25 ( 7 ) Where an instrument under seal that constitutes a deed is required for the purposes of an Act passed before this section comes into force , this section shall have effect as to signing , sealing or delivery of an instrument by an individual in place of any provision of that Act as to signing , sealing or delivery .
26 10.1 The Company shall receive on publication six copies of the printed Work and six copies of the video Work ( in the format and standard of the Company 's choice ) and one copy of any revised or corrected impression all free of charge and shall be entitled to purchase at two-thirds of the United Kingdom published price any further copies of the Work required for the Authors ' personal use and not for resale .
27 The social worker was left with a feeling of uncertainty about who her client was , a kind of balancing act being required between the needs of both of the Fitches .
28 Consent is not required of the shareholders of any company which is a wholly owned subsidiary .
29 The flexibility required of the policies implies a flexibility required of different agencies .
30 Third , detailed consideration was required of the reasons which had prompted the Cambridge Board to consider seeking providing powers for courses of a lower academic standard than those traditionally offered by universities in counties beyond those for which exceptional agreements existed .
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