Example sentences of "require [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Counselling requires varied skills , and counsellors need to be able to empathise with people ( which is not the same as sympathising — empathy requires seeing the world from another person 's point of view without judgement or criticism ) and to accept their clients by suspending judgement so that people feel valued .
2 In the case of both decision-making and monitoring , therefore , Williamson argues that realizing gains from comparative advantage requires forming an elite , and therefore a hierarchy .
3 The first section introduced almost all the laws one requires to characterise the semantics of occam .
4 Thirdly , establishing that an admissible statement should be adopted as an expression of parliamentary intention requires establishing a negative , namely that the subsequent parliamentary proceedings do not reveal that the statement was withdrawn or varied or that a relevant inconsistent amendment was successfully moved .
5 However , such notice is usually longer than the lead time that the seller requires to fulfil an order .
6 The initial writ requires to identify the licensing board 's failures and specify the circumstances which are relied on to show that the hoard erred ; it is not sufficient to recite without specification all the statutory grounds of appeal ( Sutherland v. City of Edinburgh District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 241 ) .
7 The trick is to find a feed that your horse enjoys and which provides him with all the nutrients he requires to do the work you are asking of him .
8 The Court has held in a recent case that the Commission can not ask leading questions which would require the undertaking concerned to admit an infringement of the competition rules , but that otherwise there is no right to silence : the Commission can ask for any information it requires to determine the extent of the infringement .
9 Successful living in Los Angeles requires controlling the environment , whereas in Bali it requires a total surrender .
10 Garman and Klass provided a table of factors to adjust upwards the values of their estimator which requires knowing the number of transactions per time period .
11 To describe the positions and velocities of atoms in a polymer requires choosing a set of global axes , defining a continuum , with reference to which we may describe the positions and velocities of the atoms .
12 This requires choosing the time to switch from the near to the next near contract , and how to adjust for any differences in price level between the near and the next near contracts .
13 The first is the return date by which the claimant must return the completed Summons to court following service and by which the debtor requires to advise the court whether he wishes to defend the action or offer to make payment by instalments .
14 The perspectivalism that the sociology of knowledge proposed requires suspending a trust in reason and rationality that is necessary for everyday life and in particular for generating applied knowledge .
15 Other Mozzarellas must be stored in their wrapping in water , which requires changing every day .
16 This requires adapting the mix to the appropriate stage of the cycle Introduction , Growth , Maturity , Saturation , and , finally , Decline .
17 ( 1 ) incomplete adaptation — since not all features of JC would be sufficiently salient to be " noticeable " for the purposes of adaptation , some of these would " slip through " and would fail to be adapted ( 2 ) inconsistency — due to possible learning or memory constraints , or perhaps for other reasons not well understood , some adaptations would be made haphazardly , so that the same item might appear sometimes in its LE variant , sometimes in its JC form ( 3 ) misadaptation — where the systems of JC and LE differ in such a way that adapting correctly requires recognising a contrast that exists in JC but not in LE , we would expect LE speakers to " get it wrong " some of the time , creating forms which are neither the target ( JC ) nor LE .
18 At 3.15 this morning Clinton had passed the magical 270 electoral votes he required to win the presidency .
19 Corsie had to come from behind to take the opening set when Gourlay moved 6-4 ahead and then laid the shot he required to take the set on the seventh end .
20 This is especially helpful to older patients who may have difficulty in learning and remembering , and who may require to visit the toilet during the night .
21 However , that will require identifying a mechanism for a 7°C climate warming that reached from North America , across Greenland , the North Atlantic and into central Europe .
22 Performance improvements will probably require changing the way software is written .
23 This will also require upgrading the network software in advance .
24 Normally , categories ( a ) and ( b ) above will not require to pay a fee .
25 If the blade remains the edge should be exactly flush with the gauge plate which may require adjusting the slice thickness control .
26 Therefore the police generally require to see the certificate to satisfy themselves that the motor vehicle is correctly insured but in some cases of doubt the policy may have to be examined or enquiries made of the issuing firm .
27 We require to find the modal and spectral matrices of unc We begin by iterating on co .
28 And , unfortunately , the situation is likely to remain rather explosive and uncertain until the full Moon in Libra on 10 April brings to light all the information you require to force a showdown .
29 Some mortgagees have standard clauses that they require to be inserted in the conveyance or transfer of the property charged in their favour and some mortgagees require to approve the draft document , whilst others ( for instance , the Halifax Building Society ) delegate the task of drafting to the mortgagee 's solicitor with a few suggested ( but by no means mandatory ) clauses .
30 Enforcement Officers require to have the Diploma in Consumer Affairs in order to progress through the career salary structure .
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