Example sentences of "let me down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's the inappropriate nature of my clothing that has consistently let me down through the years .
2 I always reply , ‘ It 's the Sixties for you now , dear , so you get out there and make a wally of yourself ’ — and he has never let me down in that respect , I am glad to say .
3 I never give up on people — even those who have let me down in the past .
4 Would my ‘ John-Willie ’ let me down by not getting up ?
5 My start was beginning to let me down around this time — Ron and I were concentrating more on my pick-up — but I had the satisfaction of beating Calvin Smith quite comfortably .
6 And sending each other massive consultancy bills , I think to myself , while my well practised straight face almost lets me down with both this thought and that of the possible scenario in the Heathrow customs hall .
7 Why somebody lets me down like that .
8 ‘ How could you let me down like this after all the effort I 've made ?
9 Indeed , quite early on , I tried to work out in my mind what it was that made his personality ( though he did not like the word ) so compelling ; and I came to the conclusion that it was because he did not let me down in my own estimation of him .
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