Example sentences of "right [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Never mind the opinions or the colour or the creed of the marchers , they have no God-given right to disrupt the life of a city .
2 Can the right to enforce a contract , with its correlative duty to perform it , be regarded as one of these constitutional guarantees ?
3 Each of the other fundamental rights reveals an aspect of the value of private autonomy , whereas , in contrast , a right to enforce a contract involves an assertion of the justice of commandeering state power to curtail economic liberty and restrict autonomy .
4 In a more formal way we can state that fundamental rights which protect individual autonomy comprise immunities against state interference whereas the right to enforce a contract asserts a claim to harness state power to control the actions of another .
5 Again , therefore , we conclude that the right to enforce a contract can not be derived from the liberal principle of respect for individual autonomy .
6 By s.5(2) : [ w ] here property is subject to a trust , the persons to whom it belongs shall be regarded as including any person having a right to enforce the trust , and an intention to defeat the trust shall be regarded accordingly as an intention to deprive of the property any person having that right .
7 In Garland v Archer-Shee ( 1931 ) 15 TC 693 , it was held that if the foreign law governing the non-resident trust vested the property in the trustees with the beneficiary taking no interest in the trust property as such but only having the right to enforce the performance of the trust in equity then , contrary to the decision in Archer-Shee v Baker , the taxpayer would not receive income from the actual assets held by the trust but would receive income from a foreign possession .
8 Where restrictive covenants and rights of way appear to have lapsed and extensive investigations fail to locate any individual able to enforce or enjoy the benefit from such rights , it is possible to take out indemnity insurance against the remote possibility that anyone emerges with the legal right to enforce the covenant or right of way .
9 with the ineffable modesty that , because he stood in the direct line of the Apostolic Succession , he had a better right to preach the Gospel and to administer the Sacraments , and was more a minister of Christ than Dr Dale or Mr Spurgeon or Henry Ward Beecher … what could they do but laugh ?
10 Many of them are able to get around independently and , like the rest of use , have every right to enjoy a country walk .
11 Just as every citizen has the right to enjoy a meal at the Savoy Grill , so every individual has the right to become a millionaire .
12 However , in certain circumstances , the law of tort gives a consumer a right to sue a manufacturer with whom he has no contract ( see Chapter 9 ) .
13 At the turn of the twentieth century , this ‘ majority rule ’ , as it was known , held sway in the US ; thus denying a shareholder the right to sue a director who used inside information in face to face transactions .
14 You have every right to sue the council if your car 's damaged .
15 One of these rights , the right to sue the carrier , to this day is not fully lodged with the holder of the bill .
16 The section only enhances the buyer 's rights and therefore does not in any way reduce his right to sue the seller .
17 After eleven minutes , City went one up ; Thomas did well on the right to curb a shot on goal , but Kevin O'Shaughnessy could only parry away .
18 The basic difficulty is that although the vendor is usually the employer and owns the assets used in the business being sold , the right to conduct the business is not his to transfer .
19 We will introduce ‘ Commonhold ’ legislation , giving residential leaseholders living in blocks of flats the right to acquire the freehold of their block at the market rate .
20 France had also opposed the imposition of tighter controls on the ownership of guns , on the grounds that the right to bear arms had been incorporated into the Constitution drawn up after the 1789 revolution-although it had also demanded the right to suspend the travel rights enshrined in the Schengen agreement in cases of emergency ( for earlier disagreements see p. 36154 ) .
21 The President would ( i ) submit to the Congress of People 's Deputies annual reports on the state of the country , and would brief the USSR Supreme Soviet " on the most important matters of the USSR 's domestic and foreign policy " ; ( ii ) propose to the USSR Supreme Soviet ( and subsequently to the Congress for confirmation ) candidates for the posts of the Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , Chair of the USSR Committee of People 's Control , Chair of the USSR Supreme Court , USSR Procurator General and USSR Chief State Arbiter , as well as recommend to the USSR Supreme Soviet and to the Congress the removal of these officials ( with the exception of the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court ) ; ( iii ) place before the USSR Supreme Soviet the question of forcing or of accepting the resignation of the USSR Council of Ministers , and would appoint and remove in conjunction with the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers members of that body ( subject to confirmation by the USSR Supreme Soviet ) ; ( iv ) sign USSR laws , being entitled within a period of no more than two weeks to refer a law and objections to it back to the USSR Supreme Soviet for further discussion and voting ( should the USSR Supreme Soviet confirm its earlier decision by a two-thirds majority in both its chambers the President would be obliged to sign the law ) ; ( v ) enjoy the right to suspend the operation of USSR Council of Ministers resolutions and instructions ; and ( vi ) propose to the Congress of People 's Deputies the dissolution and re-election of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the event of an irreconcilable dispute over legislation arising between that body 's two chambers .
22 By the Act of Uniformity of 1662 the Chancellor had the right to suspend the schoolmaster on religious grounds , but it was no business of his whom the Company should appoint .
23 The right to suspend the formula was , however , reserved .
24 For the majority who die intestate , separate legal rules apply and these also reflect the idea that certain relatives have the right to claim a share in the resources of the deceased .
25 But as I have said earlier , I do not think this necessarily precludes a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand where it is necessary to explain to the driver his right to claim a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) and what the exercise of that right involves and , on the other hand , where the driver is obliged , subject to any rights of objection , to provide the specimen the constable requires .
26 A owes money to B. Common Law regards this as purely a relation between A and B. B agrees with C that C shall have the right to claim the debt from A. Common Law pays no attention , C can not claim the debt .
27 This meant that even though no goods had actually been received by the carrier 's faithless agent or that the goods received were misdescribed , the mere fact that a bill of lading had been issued by someone empowered to do so created a right to claim the value of the described goods .
28 ‘ Taking silk ’ means obtaining the right to wear a silk gown by becoming a Q.C .
29 He had no right to wear the tie but he felt that it was rather distinguished and so far no one had caught him out .
30 They ruled over Rodez as counts Dei gratia and claimed the right to wear the iron crown of Rouergue .
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