Example sentences of "least i do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't walk too quick like that , but at least I do n't fall over .
2 ‘ Call it what you like , but at least I do n't get beaten black and blue . ’
3 At least I do n't mean that — not a good show for you , I know — but frankly when you 've been down a long time it is a good show to see someone from home and get all the news .
4 You have to speak to the cabinet makers and so on , so at least I do n't have to get up there and saw the wood !
5 I also smoke , but at least I do n't drink much alcohol .
6 At least I do n't think she was .
7 At least I do n't think so , ’ I told her , but she just smiled and told me she had no further use for me that day and to call the next day which was to be a school holiday .
8 ‘ At least I do n't smoke . ’
9 ‘ At least I do n't have to worry about the bailiffs because there is nothing left to take . ’
10 At least I do n't know the words .
11 At least I do n't think I could .
12 You do n't really understand him , at least I do n't .
13 At least I do n't think there was .
14 ‘ At least I do n't go round killing the poor buggers , ’ he says .
15 At least I do n't have to keep carrying it forward any more .
16 ‘ At least I do n't have to watch my weight now , ’ she 'd say .
17 Well no , er at least I do n't think he does er
18 At least I did n't get my photo taken by the zoom-lensed police photographer on the touchline ( at least I do n't think I did ) .
19 At least I do n't think Joey 's got any children .
20 do that at least I do n't have
21 You rarely need more than a teaspoonful , you add it at the absolute final moment of cooking , you do not blaze it ( at least I do not ) , you treat it simply as a seasoning .
22 Audubon , however , was outraged : ‘ Here there are at present three Works publishing on the Birds of Europe ’ , he wrote to his friend Rev. Bachman , from London in 1835 , ’ — one by Mr Gould and the others by no one knows who — at least I do not know — Works on the Birds of all the World are innumerable — Cheap as dirt and more dirty than dirt … ’
23 I saw that the wing commander engineering , who also was a pilot ( but in those days they did an engineering course as we had no Engineering Officers , at least I do not remember any ) opened his window in the office and climbed out .
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