Example sentences of "appear in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Note has been taken of these and some of them appear in the panel 's revision .
2 He saw the hole appear in the plaster almost right above him .
3 ‘ I saw two holes appear in the windscreen in front of me and I felt pain in my chest .
4 They appear in the suite fabric , paintings and other pieces of art .
5 Only on 3 occasions did the named individual actually appear in the dream as themselves .
6 Whenever a file is opened or saved a number of extra buttons appear in the dialogue box .
7 ( 2 ) Within this main heading , the links of the pattern diagram when they appear in the text could have an underline in red .
8 References are numbered sequentially as they appear in the text , followed by those in tables and finally by those in figure legends .
9 And I think these phrases appear in the text .
10 There was a very considerable consensus on the elements selected , and these choices , in the order in which they appear in the text , are given below along with the percentage ( rounded to the nearest integer ) of the informants who identified each one .
11 ‘ Then these creatures see five discs suddenly appear in the water .
12 The module names still appear in the module relations table and are still visible to users querying the LIFESPAN RDBI database .
13 These cover a period from 1442 to 1560 and obviously do not represent the whole of the villagers at this time , but are of those whose names appear in the index of wills of the Rochester Consistory Court .
14 These specific figures appear in the Assessment of Resources Regulations and not in the Act , and so can be easily uprated as necessary .
15 Two other individuals whose names appear in the story should be identified .
16 A range of personal items — new clothes , underwear , make-up , haircuts , public transport , leisure services — rarely appear in the expenditure diaries of mothers in low-income households .
17 Full details appear in the Schedule to the Consumer Credit ( Settlement Information ) Regulations 1983 .
18 These arrangements of Bayezid II's seem to be among the earliest occurrences of , and may well have helped to set the pattern for , a number of joint muderrisliks and muftiliks which appear in the course of the sixteenth century , many of which were at a relatively high level in the hierarchy .
19 When soils receive more than the critical load , the natural capacity to neutralize acidity is overwhelmed , cations ( e.g. calcium ) are leached out , phosphorus is retained and aluminium and trace metals appear in the soil water .
20 The pluralist approach in the community power debate , it is argued in Chapter 5 , is only the most visible and coherent strand of an approach which has much wider ramifications , some of which appear in the case studies later .
21 Similar intrusions by authors commenting on their own practice and proceedings , or enacting in their texts problematic relations between language , fiction and reality , also appear in the work of Christine Brook-Rose , Muriel Spark , Giles Gordon , Rayner Hepenstall , David Caute , John Berger , B.S. Johnson , Alasdair Gray , Julian Barnes and others .
22 Benjaminian ideas also appear in the work of Peter Wicke and Chris Cutler , this time applied specifically to the sphere of popular music .
23 Thus even bottom-dwelling molluscs can be dispersed widely over long distances , and are quick to colonize vacant sites that appear in the ocean ( new volcanic islands like Surtsey , for example ) .
24 While she felt he should be honest with his colleagues , she could understand a reluctance to have stories about how his ne'er-do-well father had walked out before his birth and he had subsequently been neglected by his mother appear in the Press .
25 Ten years later it was a slightly different story : only Sarah and Mary appear in the census , Ann having died that very year , aged sixty-nine .
26 It is , of course , not easy to interpret the columns of figures which appear in the school brochure — and headteachers often seem to be adept at presenting their results in positive terms .
27 one of the generically-named characters who appear in the Merdle chapters of Little Dorrit ( cf. BAR , BISHOP ) .
28 Any terms that appear in the document are candidates for index terms .
29 It may be useful to draw up the definitions clause after drafting the rest of the terms , to ensure that all words and phrases which require definition are included ; then , when checking the terms , the drafter should check the meaning of defined words and phrases each time they appear in the document to ensure that the definition is appropriate .
30 To win a place at the Glenmuir Masterclass simply identify the mystery golfers who appear in the Glenmuir Masterclass competitions .
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