Example sentences of "appear in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their names appear in every type of record , with five Alans , four Williams and four Georges to baffle the person who is compiling their family tree .
2 Recipes for lamb appear in every kind of cookery book , from dishes as simple as Lancashire hotpot through to the magnificent Guard of Honour .
3 This word , together with ‘ in me ’ , appear in every quatrain serving to establish the very personal relationship of the two concerned , evoking an ambience of intimacy which so rightly suits the theme of old age and approaching death .
4 The Carol Andrews singers from Darlington appear in a charity concert in Bishop Auckland on May 3 to raise money for the South-West Durham Hospice Appeal .
5 Glass vessels appear in a variety of forms in graves and were classified by Harden ( 1956b ) into eleven types divided into three chronological groups , which have since been extended and reviewed ( Harden 1978 ) .
6 Topics as diverse as spectroscopy and nitrous acid appear in a range of publications , all attesting to the interest inherent in the subject of chemistry ( Table 2 ) .
7 According to Dow ( 1977 ) wet gases appear in a coalification range between 0.8 and 2.0% Rm ( Rm = mean random vitrinite reflectance ) dry gas deposits appear in the range 1.0–3.0 ( up to 3.5 ) % Rm .
8 Figures ( on this screen ) MUST NOT be passed onto a third party ( i.e. appear in a paper , report or thesis ) , or passed verbally to anyone not named on the Notice ( or other authorisation which allows you access to the census of employment data ) without DE branch D4 's WRITTEN authority .
9 that 's something , but this thing reaches publicity stage , which it could in a couple of weeks time , appear in a paper , you 'd have all sorts of weirdos
10 Advertisements appear in a number of different publications , principally the Law Society 's Gazette , which are available in public or university libraries .
11 These criticisms appear in a letter to the Home Office from the Faculty of Information Technology 's Technical Committee , in response to a request for comments on proposed revisions to the Directive .
12 The ordinary hyphen is used between words that are hyphenated wherever they appear in a line and when those words would be split by a line-ending at the hyphen-point : eg well-known , time-consuming , up-to-date .
13 A number of their linguistic products appear in a form which incorporates a speech facility while some variants of the Spell Master and Word Master compress the products to the size of credit cards .
14 Many of the relevant rules appear in a Code of Practice which was circulated to the police when the Act came into force .
15 To his list we could add attorneys and even local receivers of taxes , six of whom appear in a list of country bankers drawn up in 1784 .
16 The detailed results of the Programme appear in a set of eleven volumes being published ( by Oxford University Press ) during 1986/87 .
17 These longer listening texts appear in an Appendix in the Student 's Book .
18 Note has been taken of these and some of them appear in the panel 's revision .
19 He saw the hole appear in the plaster almost right above him .
20 Conventional gestures are valuable not only because they often appear in the epics themselves , but also because they are universally recognised as a means of communication in real life and have been used on the stage since the earliest days of the theatre .
21 There are thus a considerable number who appear in the autobiographies as simple vignettes .
22 ‘ I saw two holes appear in the windscreen in front of me and I felt pain in my chest .
23 I became famous ( or notorious ) for my diary , which I kept up assiduously , and which was generally believed to be full of scandal of the sort the school authorities would not like to see appear in the newspapers .
24 Bands appear in the streets , and folklore groups are dancing and singing in the central reservations and gardens of Funchal .
25 The most senior of these officials appear in the Bundestag : oral questions arc often answered by the Staatssekretär rather than by the minister himself , leading to a weakening of the institution of the oral parliamentary question , especially since the answers given are often not informative or satisfactory , and the length of questions limited .
26 They appear in the suite fabric , paintings and other pieces of art .
27 Only on 3 occasions did the named individual actually appear in the dream as themselves .
28 There are a variety of exercises to check understanding at the back of each book and all the readers contain a picture dictionary , illustrating the words that appear in the stories .
29 I still see those dew drops like our tear drops that also marvellously appear in the heavens .
30 They appear in the documents section and therefore do not , we may take it , represent the views of the editors .
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