Example sentences of "appear as the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the Consulate France became respectable — the Concordat allowed Napoleon to appear as the protector of Catholicism .
2 This chamber is brilliantly sculpted to appear as the inside of a vast chest cavity .
3 As a result of her prosperity , uncertain though it often appeared , Catalonia began to appear as the model and exemplar of mercantile and industrial civilization , a role that was to bring her into sharp conflict with traditional values and interests .
4 Moving the smaller oval into place is much easier than you might expect because of the way guidelines appear as the point that you have picked up come into alignment with important features on other object .
5 Ben has been in the home since the beginning of the year when , while appearing as the Sheriff of Nottingham in a panto in Whitchurch , he was taken ill in his digs .
6 It does not appear as the arena of significant events , of accidental developments which can nevertheless have the most far-reaching consequences , of puzzling loose ends , or of real contradictions and inexplicabilities .
7 The Ghost will appear as the spirit of the alchemist .
8 Christ himself will appear as the judge of all people to separate the sheep from the goats ( Matt.
9 Whatever pattern is adopted , the rag-bag categories of ‘ miscellaneous ’ , ‘ others ’ and ‘ not known ’ should appear as the bottom or right-most categories of rows and columns .
10 Hence Jacques Derrida 's influential concept of ‘ différance ’ ( translated in English as at once difference and deferral ) , a concept enabling us to ‘ reconsider all the pairs of opposites on which philosophy is constructed and on which our discourse lives , not in order to see opposition erase itself but to see what indicates that each of the terms must appear as the différance of the other , as the other different and deferred in the economy of the same ’ .
11 In the second case , a special element *lt ; group> is used , which can appear as the body of a and which is composed of a sequence of other , nested , groups or texts .
12 Because of the design of the experiment , this inactivity would appear as the learning of a specific response .
13 For me , history no longer reflects the struggles of nations ; instead the nation itself appears as the reflection of historical struggles .
14 Japanese computers use the QWERTY keyboard to input Japanese to the system : this appears as the kana syllabary on the screen , and then by various methods ( such as pressing the space bar ) a list of possible kanji ideograms that could represent the kana text is displayed for selection .
15 In the midst of this free-for-all , the state appears as the guardian of the common interest , a force able to check rapacious greed , protect the weak and defenceless and uphold the values of the polity ; in short , a set of institutions which , though not neutral , are not allied with any one class .
16 Maybe she is also fearful , at least when she is younger ; power appears as the witch , the nightmare , the fascinating but terrifying darkness , and is not yet recognized as part of her own psyche .
17 Avoid the faceless approach and write to a named executive who has authority to approve the account for payment ; have the letter signed by the person whose printed name and title appears as the sender of the letter .
18 The human appears as the culmination and highest point of this process on earth .
19 The well known picture of the flautist that appears as the frontispiece of his Principes de la flûte traversière ( Paris , 1707 ) is assumed to be a portrait of Jacques himself ; the instrument he plays is the archetype of the early three-piece flute ( illus.2 ) .
20 The thunderword appears as the solution , the rain , a new beginning .
21 When Julie Christie , that blonde in Billy Liar , appears as the fashion model of the British-financed Darling ( 1965 ) , Schlesinger remains as distant from his central character , a woman who plays with the emotions of many men and destroys her own happiness by her quest for a good time , as he had from Vic or Billy .
22 To those who hold the view that " the more liberal a subject is , the more useless it is " , history must have appeared as the jewel in the non-utilitarian crown .
23 Despite what may have appeared as the rejuvenation of an all-but-lost career , Solly is still a long way from committing himself to the marathon .
24 What is new however is the suggestion , which at the time of writing must have appeared as the height of impertinence , that the Greek and Roman states originated in much the same kind of confederation as the Iroquois .
25 The night skies were star-filled and clear , the only snag as far as we were concerned being the dawn mist which appeared as the sky lightened and the squadron started to return , making visibility difficult to judge , both for us and the aircraft trying to land .
26 In this way , because the despot has taken onto himself the attributes of the community , work — which was in fact done for him — appeared as work by him , and he appeared as the creator of wealth for the community .
27 We can describe this historical situation as the beginning of an era of mass movements , among which , in the latter part of the nineteenth century , the labour movement appeared as the paradigm of a social movement .
28 They were stalked by gunman John Clarke at a fundraising event for Alder Hey Children 's Hospital at which Russell Grant appeared as the celebrity guest .
29 THERE were smiles all round when entertainer Gary Wilmot appeared as the star guest at a luncheon at Edinburgh Zoo for the Royal Bank 's top young environmentalists .
30 Mitchell has calculated that on average in the 1760s two new towns per year appeared as the source of printed material and that this had grown to an average of seven per year in the 1790s .
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