Example sentences of "appear on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But more than 2000 were made and they appear on the second hand market from time to time .
2 ‘ Partly because they appear on the individual pages - and partly because , if I do n't acknowledge authorship in some way or other , I shall be inundated with enquiries .
3 Members of the House of Lords appear on the Electoral Register for local and European electoral purposes only : they are allowed neither to vote in parliamentary elections nor to serve as Members of Parliament .
4 The signatures of Mark Rainsford and Arthur Guinness as they appear on the famous lease of 1759 .
5 Although James Braid is correctly credited with the course design , the Sandwich Professional was also involved for both their names appear on the first year 's accounts published in July 1908 for ‘ laying out , and advising as to links ’ , their respective fees being £15 6s. 6d. and £5 .
6 None of these appear on the inexhaustive list published by Lars Gunnar Andersson and Peter Trudgill .
7 The television department in an advertising agency is responsible for the process of turning the creative team 's ideas , scripts and storyboards into finished TV or radio commercials and ensuring these appear on the right channel at the right time on the right day .
8 At the time I wondered how any improvements could be visual , when I learnt that players could ignore March winds and appear on the 1st tee in shirt and slacks .
9 What Personal Computer can not take any responsibility for money sent to authors whose programs appear on the Mega Disk .
10 What Personal Computer can not take any responsibility for money sent to authors whose programs appear on the Mega Disk .
11 Opera and symphony concerts , cabaret and musicals , discos and night clubs , plays and experimental theatre all appear on the weekly list .
12 Five of the eight appear on the royal books for 1661 as members of the ensemble known as the Hautbois et musettes de Poitou .
13 Faint white spots next appear on the top surfaces of leaves , but turn the leaves over , and more prevalent patches will be found .
14 A B-tree is balanced , in other words the tree is symmetrical so that all paths through it are the same length , so all leaf nodes appear on the same level , and carry no information .
15 First , through registration , the terms and conditions of the asset sale agreement and all related agreements can be inspected by a third party as they appear on the public register .
16 Finally , after a long time , the bar is pushed so far inland that the marsh is completely eroded and the remains of the bar with associated sand dunes appear on the original coastline ( Fig. 8.18E ) .
17 Translucent , irregular , greyish-green to brownish spots appear on the mature leaves .
18 He flicked his hand and I thought I saw a few spots of red appear on the shiny white tile beside me .
19 Obviously having only played a couple of gigs , including Radio City ( New York and appearing on The Grammy Awards , their inexperience showed .
20 The way people had responded to it had been very encouraging , with news bulletins showing Sheila 's appeal and a photograph of the vigil even appearing on the front page of the Daily Telegraph .
21 He has also fought in vain against the Queen 's head appearing on the new $5 bill .
22 There you had ‘ Doyler ’ appearing on the Late Late with his two wives .
23 Note that the G appearing on the right-hand side of ( 7.16 ) is the usual gravitational constant and not some contraction of a tensor .
24 In each set there were 16 trigrams appearing on the left and 16 trigrams appearing on the right .
25 In each set there were 16 words appearing on the left and 16 words appearing on the right .
26 An almost annual phenomenon of the garden book trade is horticultural convergence — two or more books appearing on the same , previously neglected subject , often without the authors knowing anything of their rivals ' work .
27 Appearing on the same page as the article is the information that Town Crier is printed in Bishop Auckland .
28 The other main reason is that , having been sidelined by Neil Kinnock last year into the job of transport , Mr Prescott has found himself appearing on the early-evening television and radio bulletins more often than any other member of the Shadow Cabinet .
29 For the majority , an increasing casualness caused a crisis in the tie industry as young men discarded the item worn by their fathers even for digging the garden or carving the Sunday roast ; the latter simultaneously appearing on the endangered species list too , but as victim of inflation rather than fashion .
30 ‘ And I want to stick close to the TARDIS , ’ Ace said , appearing on the stripped-down rear platform .
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