Example sentences of "appear [to-vb] [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 In 1792 , however , Lewis was elected surveyor to Christ 's Hospital and in the following year he was appointed to the corresponding post at the Bridewell and Bethlehem Hospitals ; and from then on these institutional responsibilities appear to have formed the principal element in his career .
2 Such classes appear to have formed the bulk of the programme and little was offered which could be seen as particularly relevant to community action or the problems of social change .
3 The new volume ties that information through its comprehensive indices , but also serves as a catalogue of Monet 's drawings , sketchbooks , pastels , caricatures and curiosities , which include three tapestries woven , with his approval , from his designs , and fragments of pictures which appear to have survived the ruthless pruning which he inflicted on works of insufficient merit .
4 Instead , he resigned from Fine Arts committees , and antiquarian societies , and societies for reclaiming beggars and prostitutes ; nor did his interest in crop rotation appear to have survived the siege .
5 Then an empty tanker lorry and three cars appear to have hit the wreckage .
6 We propose that local authorities can be classified according to whether they appear to have assimilated the care programme approach or adapted to it .
7 Some care plans ( Dudley and Bedfordshire , for example ) appear to have assimilated the approach because they state that it is already in operation , as directed by the circular , and only requires minor adjustments , if any :
8 However , one detects more than just a hint of resentment when he talks of the ‘ middle-class ’ , who , with their penchant for rationalisation and organisation , appear to have appropriated the game .
9 However , these optimistic hopes , while not entirely misconceived , appear to have ignored the many formidable traditional obstacles to the emancipation of women that still remain in most Third World societies , as well as new obstacles created by the so-called ‘ modernization ’ processes themselves .
10 The German infantry facing us appear to have lost the initiative .
11 Not only the intelligentsia but also conservative officials and the tsar appear to have recognized the fact .
12 Nuclear power does not have to mean nuclear weapons ; but who will believe this when these two countries appear to have blurred the distinction ?
13 Viewed from the perspective of the late-1980's , when archaic ideological attitudes and inflexible organisational structures have at one level unquestionably arrested the originally dynamic social development of the Soviet experiment , and at another level appear to have condemned the PCF to a peripheral status , if not imminent extinction , this seems strange .
14 To judge from election results , the Tories appear to have become the more popular party by the early eighteenth century .
15 Others believed the panel to be constituted on a representative basis , so that the coordinating committee was entitled to no more than one seat on the panel that it had created , while others appear to have seen the panel as relating more to the county inservice activities than to the project itself .
16 Gradually , TNCs appear to have seen the benefits of ( or in some countries accepted the inevitability of ) employing host-country managers and technicians to run their plants .
17 The first National Assembly elections in thirty years appear to have given the opposition an overwhelming lead .
18 More sensitive contemporary artists know they belong to a generation which can not produce imagery in this way any longer ; on the evidence of many current shows , young male artists appear to have ceded the territory which they occupied for so long and now find themselves — where ? — in a nowhere land where they are no longer the wielder of the language , the focus of identification , the dynamic of meaning , the authoritative producer of shared values .
19 Horticulturists appear to have joined the legion of defectors from the practice of assuming that their customers or clients are all dedicated part-time classicists , with comprehensive dictionaries at their elbows .
20 The rival claims of the two departments never became a contentious matter among the ‘ boy labour ’ group of reformers , though the majority appear to have favoured the Board of Trade .
21 Indeed , by about the middle of the morning we feel surprisingly alert — we might even not bother with sleep after all — and we appear to have overcome the effects of a lost night ‘ s sleep .
22 However , I understand it has since been resold to yet another private company , who appear to have resold the lease to the Estates who in turn sold the farmland to local landowners but rented the house to the company , presumably for a much reduced sum .
23 It was disappointing to note that the modern dressings , which were not available to DNs in 1979 , appear to have reduced the popularity of paste bandages and non-medicated tulles , while doing little to counteract the possibly damaging inappropriate use of antiseptics , antibiotics and steroids .
24 Some Viennese and Italian builders appear to have attempted the impossible .
25 Six weeks after battle was joined over the proposed ‘ rectification ’ of French spelling , the resistance fighters appear to have won the day .
26 But his handling of the industry portfolio incurred the wrath of industry leaders who appear to have won the president over to their side ( New Scientist 10 March , p 646 ) .
27 Resentments , rivalry , rebuffs and power struggles appear to have knocked the stuffing out of you and undermined your confidence .
28 Again , ex gratia arrangements appear to have preceded the inauguration of formal schemes .
29 The improvements made in the machines to date do not seem as though they ought to have added up to much , but they appear to have allowed the crossing of a psychological threshold , after which a rich harvest of human error becomes accessible .
30 The very changes which were taking place in the physical environment appear to have facilitated the transition to a newer rhythm of urban life .
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