Example sentences of "appear [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So I decided that in order not to appear as a bad-tempered harpy , I would agree with everything Shirl said and then add : ‘ But … ’
2 Chilperic 's wish to appear as a cultivated monarch is not in question ; he wrote poetry , however badly , and he showed some interest in such issues as the alphabet , to which he wished to add four letters , and in theology , where he came close to heresy , when he decided to abolish the distinctions between the persons of the Trinity .
3 Although both groups tend to appear as a limited disease , most cases being in stage I-IIE , the morphohistological subtype seems to be a decisive factor in dissemination , as only one case ( 5% ) of low grade/mixed grade compared with 20% of the patients with high grade were classified as stage IV .
4 We are unanimously of the opinion that the settlement was a sham on the facts in the sense that it was made to appear as a genuine gift when it was not .
5 He is due to appear as a Palestinian architect in a Channel 4 drama series The Big Battalions .
6 On the one hand , the state has to ensure the continuation of the accumulation of capital ; on the other , it has to appear as a neutral arbiter of interests , thereby preserving its own legitimacy .
7 Only as the cloverleaf began to appear as a grey shape in the otherwise black wall did I at last fall into a dream-wracked sleep .
8 Also billed to appear as a special mystery guest is Vivacious Val .
9 But the personnel manageress said later : ‘ We may ask him to appear as the real thing next time . ’
10 The computer can check for towns that are missed off signs , those that appear for no good reason or appear only intermittently , to the great confusion of amateur navigators .
11 The net costs of Eagle Lodges appear for the first time in the income and expenditure account and are largely attributable to setting up costs as there was little income from occupancy during 1990 .
12 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
13 In discussing the interactions of mental illnesses and brain failure Gray and Isaacs ( 1979 ) showed that illnesses such as depression , psychosis and neurosis do continue to occur in old age but are more likely to recur than appear for the first time .
14 Foreign Offices of a modern kind , specialized in their functions , subdivided ( usually on a largely geographical basis ) into departments with still more specialized duties and employing considerable numbers of experts of all kinds , now appear for the first time in the major European capitals .
15 I have been assisted by Mr. James Munby , appearing for the Official Solicitor as amicus curiae .
16 ( c ) On what chart does the rhumb line appear as a straight line ?
17 Through simple framing and neutral observation these environments appear as a strange , exciting kind of art .
18 A form of words may , in one context , be opinion ( and therefore defensible as " fair comment " ) while in another context appear as a factual statement , consequently requiring proof of correctness .
19 Moore 's verbal recollections of the mines are much more evocative than the drawings themselves , in which the miners appear as a frozen statuary .
20 The Navigation Server , developed with the help of NCR Corp , extends the SQL Server to make large scale and multiple databases appear as a single virtual database .
21 Typically there is a pair of ganglia in each segment of the body , but the members of a pair are usually so closely united that they appear as a single ganglion , the commissure being no longer evident externally .
22 Elementals often appear as a moving light or a change in temperature , or they may take the form of an animal or bird and make it behave oddly for a period of time .
23 by the sea on desolate promontories ; in family compounds — large and small temples appear as a natural complement to the island 's geography .
24 From the conference of Berchtesgaden in November 1937 to the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938 , from the increasingly threatening noises over Czechoslovakia in March 1938 to the abdication of Munich in September 1938 , from the last-ditch , desperate attempts to cobble together a tripartite agreement in May 1939 to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 , there was a sense of deathly inevitability compared to which Nizan 's repeated calls for collective security appear as no more than the efforts of a man crying in the wilderness .
25 In the last , MacMillan 's choreography makes Bratfisch , the prince 's coachman , appear as the only sympathetic yet helpless onlooker at the sordid proceedings .
26 ‘ During the whole of her illness , prayer was made without ceasing by the whole Church on her behalf , and I felt persuaded that the Lord would yet hear us and for His name 's sake appear as the one prayer-hearing God — for the heathen around knew what was done , and would say , ‘ Where is now your God ? '' ’
27 These little sneak fertilizers however are young and small of course , this is what they rely on their enormous of speed for , and they grow up into female mimics or transvestites , and what a transvestite does is when a regular male and a regular female are in the nest swimming around together doing the regular thing , the transvestite swims in , appearing as a second female .
28 But the synopsis that he offers of his tale : is unmistakably that of a fabliau , and with the target figure appearing as a regular element within the fabliau it is understandable that the Reeve , a carpenter , should anticipate an attack upon himself : Fabliaux are thoroughly suitable textual weapons for the two churls , the Miller and the Reeve , to beat each other over the head with .
29 When at last I came to the start of the mad little road to Lochinver , I followed it over the bleak moorland , Stac Polly now appearing as a black spire in a halo of sunlight .
30 Sometimes appearing as a beautiful horse , saddled ready to ride , Lutin was better known as a hearth sprite .
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