Example sentences of "together [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 The new classification was to focus on drawing together items in the CAB information system by client-situation , so that seemingly disparate things , such as holiday insurance and local animal-care centres , would be brought together as part of the information a client may need when going on holiday .
2 This splendid collection from the Spanish Renaissance has been put together as part of the Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario 's recording programme of Ibero-American music .
3 In choosing to link the issues for debate , the Opposition at least seem to recognise that they go together as part of a coherent strategy . ’
4 We all work well together as part of a dedicated team for the good of the community . ’
5 Rather than being concerned with the minor details being elaborated into a more complex picture , they were just interested in how we come to group erm features together for want of a although they were n't thinking about them as features .
6 Brighton caused controversy by proposing to teach full-time and sandwich students together for part of the time .
7 The five pivoting pan supports may be swung together for ease of packing but lock firmly in place to create a pan base about 5.5in in diameter .
8 We do not try to motivate them but simply gather them together for ease of reference .
9 Erm , the point perhaps of , of , of the thing is , it 's called the Team Focus , and hopefully for that very reason what we 're trying to do is to look at the way in which you can improve your performance together if you like , erm , and it would be very interesting to see what Jack and Linda can contribute to this in that , people who 've worked together for sort of six or seven years , erm , ought to be able to show us something .
10 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
11 Treatment must address all aspects of this complex disorder ( table I ) and begins with a thorough appraisal of the patient 's physical condition , together with identification of important medical complications .
12 For this reason , many in the seventeenth century would have said that such knowledge , together with knowledge of undoubted moral principles , such as that promises should be kept , is innate .
13 The aims of the research are : to undertake a wide-ranging review of the priority assessment techniques applied by local authorities to transport projects ; to apply a representative sample of the techniques to a common set of projects ; and to distill the experience gained through the first two stages , together with knowledge of recent developments in the theory and practice of multiple criteria analysis into a computer-based priority assessment package .
14 The studies , which examined adult workers in industries using lead , blamed poor enforcement of laws designed to limit exposure to the metal , together with ignorance of the laws among industrial managers .
15 A FLURRY of takeover rumours together with promise of a breakthrough in the GATT talks provided a kickstart to a dull market going nowhere fast .
16 It is most helpful with regard to such precognitions to state the full name , address and , if relevant , telephone number of the witness in question , together with intimation of the date on which the particular statement was obtained .
17 Proof of disqualification may be certificate of conviction or extract from the magistrates ' court register together with proof of identification of the defendant , e.g. by the police officer who was present in court when the defendant was disqualified .
18 The verdict of assault occasioning actual bodily harm upon proof of an assault together with proof of the fact that actual bodily harm was occasioned by the assault .
19 A tidy , polite letter of application expressing your interest , date and level of qualifications , and details of your most recent employment is all that is required in the first instance , together with evidence of your registration status .
20 The ‘ battered child syndrome ’ first discovered by Henry Kempe in 1962 referred to a clinical condition in young children , invariably under three , who had received serious physical abuse , usually from a parent , and was identified by the association of subdural haematoma ( a pooling of blood around the skull ) together with evidence of broken or healing long bones ( Kempe et al . ,
21 Competition is keen and a first or upper second class honours degree is required together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements .
22 Competition is keen and candidates must offer a minimum of an upper second class honours degree together with evidence of satisfactory financial arrangements .
23 He was a founder member of the France-Iraq Friendship Association , and within the Socialist Party ( PS ) he led the small " socialism and republic " faction which had voted against the government in the parliamentary vote on the Gulf war on Jan. 16 [ see above ] ; the existence of this faction , together with size of France 's Arab community and the strength of its pacifist movement , had been seen as domestic factors influencing Mitterrand 's eleventh-hour diplomatic initiatives .
24 All the relatives of a particular person of a particular age and sex can already be calculated to the 2nd degree of kinship , giving the age and sex of these relatives together with range of variation and proportions lacking .
25 The project involved the construction or upgrading of a 230 mile road between M'baiki and Berberati , in the south-west of the CAR , together with expansion of cash crop production , water supplies and health services .
26 Adherence to R&D programme , flexibility of operation , degree of integration of project , together with clarity of problem definition and clarity of problem understanding , which are measures of quality of communication , correlate positively with efficient progress through production in the overall case .
27 Moreover , by the time of World War I a widening in the geographical scope of product markets themselves , and a desire to eliminate competition from low wage districts — together with government-setting of many wage awards during war-time — all these influences tended to extend the area of collective bargaining still further to the industry level .
28 What will be attempted in the remainder of this book is to provide , for accountants and financial-management students , an appreciation of developments in these other fields , together with discussion of some issues which relate to the problem of trying to integrate these different disciplinary views .
29 Therefore , in children under 15 months , a combination of symptoms and signs of illness , together with culture of the virus itself , are a better guide to whether the child has been infected .
30 Recent discoveries of hitherto unknown kinds of jawless fishes ( agnathans ) , together with re-examination of known agnathans and advances in systematic methods , have revitalized debates about the relationships of ancient fishes and given fresh insights into early vertebrate history .
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