Example sentences of "suggest that [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Studies of rape in England and Wales suggest that two-thirds of rapes take place in the home of the victim or the offender , and that only one-third involve strangers ; that two-fifths of victims suffer physical violence as well as rape , and one-sixth suffer additional sexual indignities ; that recent years have seen an increase in the reporting of rapes between acquaintances , and that rapes are increasing a little in their intrinsic seriousness ( i.e. in terms of the violence used , other sexual acts , etc ) , but that the most significant rise has been in the average length of sentences imposed on rapists by the courts .
2 The advocates of the Government 's ‘ competing currencies ’ approach suggest that many of these gains would occur by merely moving to a ‘ hard ’ EMS in which currencies became progressively more fixed ( 3 ) .
3 Calls for the increased ‘ internationalization ’ of the economy , of society and of political attitudes suggest that many of the postwar changes may be less substantive than are often imagined .
4 Our figures suggest that many of the subjects were neither what their proponents claimed , nor what their nature demanded that they should be .
5 Some researchers point out that no radiation dose is so small that the body can perfectly repair all resulting damage to DNA and chromosomes , and they suggest that many of the published estimates of the health effects of Chernobyl radiation are too conservative .
6 It may be thought that the highest-scoring universities in this list attract a higher than average proportion of indigenous students with local area research interests , but examination of the names of thesis authors from Strathclyde and Dundee universities , and confirmatory personal communications with the relevant departments , suggest that many of their students are not of local origin , but have come to the universities from overseas .
7 Some small differences in the achievement of educational objectives were observed , but our results suggest that two of the best school smoking education projects in Britain have not achieved better results than non-specific population wide approaches .
8 They suggest that one of the principle problems confronting refugees is the feeling of guilt at having left relatives in danger or for being alive when so many have died .
9 They suggest that one of the most spectacular of supposed abiotic events — the deposition of huge amounts of iron in the seas of Archaean and early Proterozoic times , 3.5–1.8 billion years ago — was in fact biological in origin .
10 MIPS ' operations meanwhile , are slowly being dismantled by SGI : US reports suggest that 450 of the 685 jobs at MIPS are to go , although there are plans to redeploy at least 250 of those lost at other SGI sites .
11 Observations suggest that most of the smoke particles were in the form of soot ( elemental carbon ) particles with diameters of around 0.1 um .
12 ‘ I suggest that most of the sentiments you express so forcibly are your own , Mr Peck .
13 Later still the ‘ heat waves ’ were thought to be produced by catastrophism — recent calculations by Tokajumi Matsui and Yutaka Abe of the University of Tokyo suggest that billions of tons of meteorites crashed into Earth to drive off the volatile materials and to turn the surface into seas of magma .
14 Some studies suggest that either of these might increase your risk of becoming ill .
15 Data in Table 2 suggest that those with living brothers or sisters may be less likely to be admitted to a home .
16 The differences suggest that those in the non-manual occupational groups were more likely to choose early retirement than skilled manual workers , presumably because they had greater resources and hence more freedom of choice .
17 Rosenthal comments that ‘ the history of science generally , and the history of psychology more specifically , suggest that more of us are wrong longer than we need to be because we hold our theories not quite lightly enough . ’
18 Figures from the Central Statistical Office suggest that some of the changes implemented by Conservative governments helped to reverse the trend in redistribution of income from the rich , so that it became redistribution to the rich .
19 The numerous surveys of ( their own ) " temps " conducted by agencies supplying secretarial and office staff ( see , for example , Alfred Marks , 1982 ; Reed , 1986 ; Manpower , 1986 ) , whilst suffering from selectivity bias and/or containing leading questions , show that a substantial proportion of " temps " are looking for permanent jobs ; but they also suggest that some of these at least are using their experience of temporary jobs to find out what sort of permanent work they would like .
20 But 28% do feel working mothers regard themselves as superior which suggest that some of us might have got carried away with out own importance .
21 Such buildings suggest that some of the region 's wealthier inhabitants resided within the town , which may have a bearing on the site 's wider significance .
22 Quantity is easier to consider than quality , of course , and I have found that a promotions committee can be thrown into bemusement and mild disarray by suggesting that many of the publications on a candidate 's CV might better have not been published .
23 He cites Deffenbacher ( 1985 ) as suggesting that many of the outcomes of the helping process such as the development of goals and plans , happen inadvertently , with the most important focus being the client/helper relationship .
24 Erm if they , if you 've got a heavy mortgage , and I 'm not suggesting that many of you will have a heavy mortgage , it 's not a bad thing when you 're retiring to fix a rate , because we 've not been able to do that for a long time .
25 Surveys of less developed economies were , however , more confusing , with econometric studies suggesting that little of the growth in public spending could be explained' by rising incomes ( or low price elasticities ) .
26 I have sometimes taken on a role where I have been injured , a plague victim , and used the role to become Devil 's Advocate , suggesting that one of the more aggressive boys in a class " Finish me off . "
27 The status of the pupils in the activity can be raised and the value of their contributions recognised by suggesting that some of them may already possess considerable information and experience ( pp. 36–38 ) .
28 I and 2.0% suggesting that some of them may still be within the gas window .
29 The basic idea is a simple one and follows in the Downsian vote-maximizing tradition , suggesting that those in office , conscious of election dates , manipulate the economy to achieve political popularity .
30 CREB and ATF1 appear to be present at similar levels in immunoprecipitates obtained with the CREB antibody ( lane 2 ) suggesting that most of the CREB is in the form of a heterodimer with ATF1 .
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