Example sentences of "suggest that [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Other estimates suggest that casualties in accidents where the driver is over the limit could be in excess of 35,000 annually .
2 They suggest that reduction in growth begins early in gestation .
3 I suggest that release of vasoactive mediators from plasma proteins should be considered as a possible mechanism for pseudoallergy on the basis of recent studies on mediator displacement by a wide range of therapeutic drugs .
4 Mineral and chemical analyses suggest that porosity in the mud is 2–10 times greater than in the concretion , so we have multiplied the PLFA values measured in the latter by those factors ( all other measures are relative ) to allow comparison of microbial activities .
5 Our earlier studies of fluid transport during various physiological and pathophysiological circumstances suggest that variations of fluid transport are mainly caused by changes in fluid secretion from the crypts .
6 We suggest that students of education management and the sociology of the curriculum would find the implications of projects in the ESSE/L Project mould a fruitful area of study .
7 These results suggest that knowledge of the overall theme of a passage is useful only if it is available at the time the passage is read or heard .
8 Inflation in producer prices ( as opposed to retail prices ) has risen in recent months ; surveys of business opinion suggest that inflation in manufactured-goods prices is falling sharply .
9 Further analyses suggest that exposure to both factors is required for bed sharing to be associated with a raised risk of sudden infant death syndrome ( unpublished results ) .
10 We suggest that baptism for non-believers enables a family reunion to take place .
11 Many psychological theories of driving suggest that feelings of risk play an important role in regulating behaviour , either as a quantity to be controlled ( Wilde 1982 , 1988 ) or avoided ( Summala 1976 ) , or as feedback in a learning theory approach ( Fuller 1988 ) .
12 The substantial differences in seroprevalence of toxoplasma IgG between women born in different countries suggest that women from countries with high prevalence of toxoplasmosis were infected before immigration to Britain .
13 These results suggest that expression of E-cadherin by LC promotes persistence of these cells in epidermis , and that cadherins may play important and unanticipated roles in interactions between leukocytes and epithelia .
14 They also suggest that attitudes about the value of older people and their position in the marketplace may have changed very little .
15 Nevertheless , their statements suggest that injustice on a considerable scale was a feature of Æthelred 's reign , and this is confirmed by a passage of crucial importance in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle .
16 ( Some suggest that part of its secretiveness arises from a fear of becoming involved in the litigation instituted by injured patients . )
17 Butler and Stokes ' surveys even suggest that part of the electoral swing to the Tories was for no more substantial a reason than the belief among some electors in the ‘ circulation of the parties ’ , i.e. the sentiment that ‘ it 's time the other party had a go ’ .
18 The available data suggest that responses to ls8 in HLA-B35 individuals may be less frequent than ls6 responses in HLA-B53 individuals but larger numbers are required to substantiate this .
19 These data suggest that overall between 1% and 2% of boys need circumcision for medical indications .
20 Other studies 6 suggest that lack of choice and control are demotivators and recent surveys 7 seem to confirm that the absence of local light switches and thermostats , as well as windows that can not be opened , detracts from occupant satisfaction .
21 Quinton and his colleagues suggest that girls with positive experiences of school acquire a sense of their own worth and of their ability to control their own destinies , which in turn helps them to cope and resolve their difficulties and plan their own future .
22 These first two interpretations of the relationship between subject membership and pedagogical preference suggest that weakness in out-of-subject duties may well be caused not simply by unfamiliarity with content but by deep-seated divisions within secondary teaching as a whole brought about by strongly institutionalized systems of subject separation which inhibit the development of transferable pedagogic skills , restrict teachers ' adaptability and responsiveness to educational challenge and innovation , and limit their commitment to children and to learning in general as against enthusiasm for particular bodies of content .
23 Results reported here suggest that changes in cytoplasmic Ca 2+ concentration during the photoresponse can affect the activity of the cGMP-gated channel .
24 Some theoretical papers suggest that changes in both volatility and volume are caused by the arrival of new ( private ) information , and that there is no causative relationship between volume and volatility .
25 In addition , preliminary results of a postoperative study reported by Dr Stewart Petersen , University of Leicester , UK , and Dr Mike Wailoo , Leicester Royal Infirmary , suggest that changes in an infant 's body temperature may precede ( by up to 1 week ) the development of other symptoms of infection that are recognised by parents .
26 They suggest that forecasts of warming may have to revised downwards .
27 They suggest that warnings by Mr Major that a vote for the Liberal Democrats could let Labour into Downing Street by the ‘ back door ’ may have frightened some waverers back into the Tory fold .
28 The report suggest that deficiencies in the radio/navigation equipment may have led the crew to descend on a spurious glidepath ; this was possible , although only if the crew did not keep " the normal continuous mutual check on the basic navigational instruments and the marker control " .
29 Our findings suggest that synthesis of NO from L-arginine may play an important part in regulating gall bladder tone , as the in vitro experiments showed a significant increment in muscular tension after inhibition of NO synthase .
30 They suggest that engorgement of the lymph nodes with fluid evokes frequency stabilisation .
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