Example sentences of "less [conj] [num] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Each member of the next generation is formed by the fusion of one sperm cell with one egg cell ; but the sperm cell is tiny , less than one millionth , often less than 100 millionth of the size of the egg cell .
2 argued , then the effect of a mask which eliminated the short term trace should force the subject to utilise the more " highly processed " stable representation and thus reveal a right hemisphere advantage even with inter.stimulus intervals of less than 100 msec .
3 I was now really eager to breed this species , but ( not surprisingly for the reasons I 've outlined ) the two individuals showed almost less than zero interest in each other , despite bribes of earthworms , which they can manage easily ( and eagerly ) without any need for chopping .
4 Shortly after the official opening ceremony a collection of no less than 11 Norseman floatplanes that had gathered at Red Lake , started-up , taxied around Howey Bay , took-off ( a tremendous effect as the sound of 11 Pratt and Whitney R–134s revving at full power reverberated around the bay ) and performed a series of fly-bys and overshoots over the bay in salute of CF–DRD and the weekend events .
5 Because of its Hypersoft compression technology or rather because it does n't require image decompression 100 full-screen zoomed images can be viewed in less than 17 second , 1,000 in 3.5 minutes .
6 There is nothing to prevent eleven ( or fewer ) Member States entering into a treaty between themselves on matters outside or additional to the existing treaties — indeed the Maastricht Treaty itself , as is well known , envisages less than twelve Member States acting together in the ‘ new ’ areas of Monetary Union and Social policy — and in that sense can hardly be regarded as deepening the Community as previously defined .
7 The Save Hawkinge campaign was launched on September 7 with no less than five Air Vice Marshals and seven Air Commanders supporting the cause .
8 The lace-like type that come within these groups are very slow in growing ; one we have , which is reputed to date back to the early '20s if not beyond , stands less than five foot tall but measures eight foot across .
9 It will detect extensions down to less than five Ångström units which is about the resolution of a good electron microscope .
10 Oh I should n't let them go for any less than five pound a pair .
11 They had found no less than five flesh wounds on his body when they stripped him of his armour , but all clean and none dangerous , once the draining of his blood was staunched .
12 Or gentleman smoking there , it 's less than four price of four cigarettes .
13 ‘ But if we are in a deep , narrow valley , say with width less than four depth , we do n't really know the period , due to reflections . ’
14 In those forty minutes Kylie packed in eight songs and no less than four costume changes .
15 After no less than four mortgage rate rises in the past 18 months — which have brought the average home loan rate close to an all-time high of 15 per cent — home buyers have seen their monthly payments go up by more than 50 per cent .
16 To take two examples , in Groningen half the number of pedestrian accidents to those under 13 occur in streets with less than 200–350 motor vehicles per hour .
17 We believe you will find it quite difficult not to find a large number of meals which appeal to you , because no less than six cookery experts have combined their various tastes and talents to provide this selection of low-calorie , high-fibre meals .
18 This was a cabinet minister on the stump , pressing the flesh and banging the drum for Tory MP Simon Coombs defending a less than 5,000 majority .
19 Civil Service forced no less than 16 penalty corners during the game but were unable to cash in .
20 Whooping cough claims around 600,000 young lives each year — half of those deaths are of children less than 1 year old .
21 Nitrate concentrations beneath the edges are very low — even lower ( less than 1 milligram of NO&sub3/N per litre ) than beneath unfertilised grassland — but they are high near the centre , and particularly high where trees have fallen : this releases large quantities of nitrate .
22 The average size of these plots was less than 1 hectare in the inner city , but up to 10 hectares at the edges .
23 Mr Cavaco Silva tried put the brakes on his currency by cutting key interest rates by 1 p.c. to just under 18 p.c. and by selling escudos but the pound ended the day less than 1 p.c. away from its floor of 241.5 against the Portuguese currency , despite successful British efforts over the weekend to force Portugal to join at a higher rate than the Lisbon government had planned on Friday .
24 Low doses , whether given by infusion or bolus , and used on a short-term basis ( less than 1 week ) can be discontinued within 2–3 days often without any signs of withdrawal .
25 For your £6 subscription per annum , you get a free bus timetable giving you the times of at least three buses that visit no less than eight M/SV clubs .
26 Outside-right Fred ‘ Fanny ’ Walden , 21 , was just over five feet tall , weighed less than nine stone and looked easy meat for burly defenders .
27 There 's a standard desktop design ( 333d ) and a deskside unit ( 333t ) with no less than nine disk drive bays , and hard disk options up to 1260 MB — making it the ultimate file-server .
28 More recently a string of no less than thirty cylinder seals made of lapis lazuli has been recovered from a Mycenaean house at Thebes .
29 Less than 70 shopping days to Christmas .
30 To the enthusiast , the loss of no less than fourteen locomotive designs was countered by the application of highly distinctive sector liveries , all the more interesting because of the number of attempts made before the final choices were made .
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