Example sentences of "reason than [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So Mr Mayor , for completely different reasons than the council have er I will be urging my group to vote against this amendment and to support a subsequent amendment which will take the budget down even further .
2 Teacher : Definitely I have come across incidents where I have actually seen teachers pick on children for no other reasons than the colour of their skin .
3 Sex is important in marriage for more reasons than the begetting of children .
4 It was sad for me that I had fallen in love with someone who did not love me , but it was not an experience I cared to repeat — for more and better reasons than the fear of pain .
5 He was famous , people flocked to catch a glimpse of him , they stood for hours in the freezing cold in the hope that he would choose their hand to shake — for no better reason than an accident of birth .
6 Elsewhere he remarks , " we seem to have no other criterion for truth and reason than the type and kind of opinions and customs current in the land where we live .
7 You can not simply propose to me with no more reason than the discovery that I happen to sleep with a woman and expect an instant answer .
8 Now he claims to have abandoned this principle , apparently for no other reason than the pursuit of electoral palatability .
9 Butler and Stokes ' surveys even suggest that part of the electoral swing to the Tories was for no more substantial a reason than the belief among some electors in the ‘ circulation of the parties ’ , i.e. the sentiment that ‘ it 's time the other party had a go ’ .
10 The art of management , however , was more than the successful bribery of fifty per cent plus one , if for no other reason than the fact that there was never enough of the articles of bribery to employ it on such a scale , even if the voters had been willing to be so bought .
11 However , on our continent , on the doorstep of the most civilised part of the world , we are watching human beings killing each other for no other reason than the fact that they live next door to each other .
12 Many of those studies use the States themselves as their organizing units , if for no other reason than the convenience that data are readily available for mapping at that scale .
13 Without amendments to the law , depreciation charges would mean existing taxpayers effectively paying twice for the same assets , for no other reason than the application of SSAP 12 .
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