Example sentences of "reason for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These correlations , while of interest , do not tell us much about the political substance of the ‘ class'/party link , but Butler and Stokes pursued this further by soliciting ‘ free ’ responses concerning the reasons for identification with one or other party .
2 As ketamine has a good physical safety profile and an established place in medicine within current indications what are the reasons for concern about its non-medical use ?
3 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
4 There were , however , more tangible reasons for concern in that bicycle deaths and injuries were frequently reported in the press , with moments of aggravated alarm about ‘ hit-and-run ’ cyclists .
5 For those who do not want a federal future for this country there are many reasons for concern in the Prime Minister 's statement on the treaty of union .
6 Teachers ' Reasons for Selection of Texts
7 This does not assume , she claims , that people are always completely conscious of their efforts or that they clearly articulate the reasons for trends of common behaviour .
8 Whilst understanding the reasons for change as part of AEAs evolution , he was unclear as to why the announcement had been made now but appreciated being given the information so explicitly and comprehensively .
9 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
10 Reasons for lack of employment were noted .
11 reasons for lack of change
12 Most development programmes are too heavy on capital investment and judge results only by the effect on a country 's gross national product , obscuring the real reasons for lack of growth .
13 There are also important questions to be asked about the reasons for admission to residential care in the first place , for that in itself is an aspect of dependency .
14 Pupils should be encouraged to question the intentions behind a text , the reasons for choice of vocabulary , image or genre , and to become increasingly aware of the richness and complexity of literature .
15 They had not given these reasons for transfer to his parents .
16 A quite developed model of the reasons for fragmentation of government into different tiers and sectors is provided by the dual state thesis , which presents a Marxist alternative to liberal corporatist theory ( see pp. 193 — 7 ) .
17 The reasons for removal of intrauterine devices were bleeding or pain in nine women , sterilisation in five , planning pregnancy in three , unplanned pregnancy in two , and other reasons in three .
18 Giving of reasons for decisions of a licensing board
19 The diagram puts the reasons for non-approval in 1987/8 in pictorial form .
20 From 30 June this year , all publicly listed companies will have to include a statement in their annual reports indicating that they comply with the Cadbury code of best practice ( see p 94 ) , or giving reasons for areas of non-compliance .
21 One of the reasons for difficulty in diagnosing this condition when it first occurs is the apparent similarity of the symptoms that it produces to those associated with cystitis .
22 An adult of 472 gastric emptying tests carried out over a 10 year period was performed to discover the reasons for requests from consultant clinicians , their anticipation of the results of tests , and the influence of the results upon the subsequent management of their patients .
23 Much of that research has , in turn , been inspired by an attempt , especially among American psychologists , to understand and predict ‘ giftedness ’ : as such , in seeking reasons for differences in creativity , their preference has naturally been to look for evidence of the latter 's association with excellence , superiority , and health rather than with maladjustment or psychological deviance .
24 This chapter seeks to offer a broad description of the eurobond market ; an economic analysis of its behaviour , microstructure and reasons for location in London ; and an assessment of certain key issues relating to prospects for the eurobond market and its location in London .
25 Participants analyse examples of student writing and speech and , after discussion of the reasons for errors of different types , the session considers strategies that they may use to help students overcome these .
26 Gyford ( 1985b , p. 27 ) goes so far as to suggest that local government reorganization was one of the reasons for moves to the left outside London , where older councillors were replaced not by the hoped for technocrats waiting in the wings , but instead often by representatives of Labour 's new left .
27 1.42 One of the main reasons for delay in personal injury cases is the fact that the plaintiff 's solicitor is waiting for a medical prognosis before being able to quantify the claim .
28 Many persons will have their own particular reasons for gratitude to him , and everyone will so warmly want to wish him well for the new place in life which awaits him back in his own native diocese of Liverpool .
29 ‘ It seems after he decided to pull me off , he looked back and decided on different reasons for things over the years to stir up our relationship . ’
30 ‘ There are , of course , all possible reasons for lights in the night sky , the aurora borealis being the most famous .
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