Example sentences of "offer to [pers pn] by " in BNC.

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1 The great change that has occurred is that retailers no longer go out into the market place and buy what is offered to them by manufacturers .
2 In this chapter we shall be looking at how this particular group of people might view and understand what is being offered to them by the church at the time of a major bereavement .
3 Despite recognising the power of the advertising world , Jo does feel that there is some possibility for girls to pick and choose between what is offered to them by the media , and how they want to look themselves .
4 Thereafter controversy over the issue subsided until June 1967 , when eviction proceedings were taken against eleven families who had refused accommodation offered to them by the rural district council because it was at some distance from the city .
5 It should be made clear that the value of this information for consumers would be chiefly as a yardstick against which they could measure the rates offered to them by lenders of the same type , or for credit of the same type .
6 ‘ The Welsh Highland ( 1964 ) company is sorry to learn that the Ffestiniog Trust has rejected the very reasonable compromise offered to them by Gwynedd County Council , based on the suggestion in our brochure : The Way Forward .
7 The concepts were developed to conceptualize problems which arose in therapeutic work — problems such as the resistance of patients to being well at all , and not merely to particular interpretations offered to them by Freud in his role as analyst .
8 The Comite de Madres y Familiares de Presos , Desaparecidos y Asesinados Politicos de El Salvador , Monsenor Oscar Arnulfo Romero was founded in 1977 by 12 mothers at a Christmas Eve supper offered to them by the late Archbishop .
9 It is usually argued that the managers do not acquire their Newco shares pursuant to a right conferred on them or an opportunity offered to them by Newco by virtue of their employment ( see s77 Finance Act 1988 ) .
10 Tom Moody , a century-maker in the first innings , wasted his chance to secure the Test place offered to him by Marsh 's injury when he sliced Asoka de Silva to first slip .
11 Wherefore as God had granted him all those dominions , it seemed just to them that he should accept the imperial title also , when it was offered to him by the consent of all Christendom .
12 In 27 BC Octavian took the name Augustus , offered to him by the Roman Senate .
13 But he chose to do so by exploiting the lieutenancy offered to him by Philip the Fair in 1295 , rather than by rebellion against the crown .
14 If an explosion occurs owing to the escape of gas , it does not seem to have been suggested that the defences of common benefit or consent of the plaintiff would be available to the defendants , possibly because the plaintiff has no choice as to the source of his supply of gas , whereas in other cases he can decide for himself whether he will accept the arrangement offered to him by his landlord .
15 The toy , the squeaky duck or whatever , will be offered to him by the smiling child .
16 On 7 August Franco set up his headquarters in Seville , in a large house offered to him by a local aristocrat , the marchioness of Yanduri .
17 Rosenthal , 29 , has failed to sign a new one-year contract offered to him by Liverpool even though he has expressed his desire to stay at Anfield .
18 A rough-coated collie called Tip , he was offered to me by some relatives down the dale whilst I still had Chip .
19 That persistence must however be seen against the background of the following factors : ( a ) the weakness of her faith as I have found it ; ( b ) the fact that no explanation was ever offered to her by anyone in medical authority as to the risks that a refusal to have a blood transfusion presented to her health indeed to her life .
20 She seemed to vanish as quickly as she had appeared , leaving Ianthe to be pushed forward into the train , where she stood in a daze until she found herself sitting down in a seat offered to her by a small boy .
21 Meanwhile Sue has recently accepted a series of temporary secretarial posts offered to her by other companies .
22 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
23 In this event the Bank only buys stock offered to it by marketmakers at prices slightly below those ruling in the market .
24 The company was to be allowed to increase its capital by £1,150 for every £100 p.a. worth of annuity offered to it by holders up to £2.5 million .
25 Outdoor shops are just sports shops , but instead of a seedy man with a moustache selling you nylon football strips and tennis balls , outdoor shops stock only merchandise connected with hill-walking , climbing , skiing and sometimes canoeing , all of which will be offered to you by rosy-cheeked young sales people in fleecy tops .
26 Every year we and the national Young Solicitors Group jointly arrange the visit by the chairmen of various overseas young bars for the Opening of the Legal Year , which is our chance to repay the hospitality offered to us by them .
27 The lack of good results is here explained by faulty equipment ( an explanation also offered to me by other students ) ; however , students gain higher marks for lab work if the results are ‘ correct ’ than if they are wrong but adequately accounted for :
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