Example sentences of "almost as [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Instead Beatrice retreated behind long translations of French poetry , light satire and erudite literary discussion , almost as if a part of her had died .
2 There was cramp in my neck and arms and I was so tired that it seemed almost as if a malevolent magnetism was trying to drag me to the ground .
3 It was almost as if a necessary condition of being in this paradise was the commission of some frightful sin or crime that must result in expulsion from it .
4 That is , in the subject of proposition 55 ‘ thought ’ is opposed to ‘ reality ’ almost as if a language game as a whole could be said to be justified by something outside it .
5 These districts were treated almost as if a presidential campaign was underway ; radio and television advertising time was bought ; mail and telephone blitzes were organized ; administration speakers Appeared and organizations like the National Association of Manufacturers , the US Chamber of Commerce , the American Medical Association and other organizations supportive of Reagan 's programme were mobilized .
6 Now that there is one , it 's a little late to get hysterical — better to accept the consolation that the animal has integrated itself into the landscape , almost as if a place was waiting for it .
7 It was so weird it made my hair stand on end ; it was almost as if a ghost had walked into the room .
8 Into the great Sun Chamber , the legendary crystal and silver hall , the place the exiled Wolfkings had called Medchuana , stole something so delicate and so strong , and so — so beckoning thought Fenella hazily — that it was almost as if a thin , sugar-spun veil was falling over them .
9 It had become part of each morning 's routine , almost as if a night 's absence — or a weekend 's — simply served to burnish his attractions .
10 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
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