Example sentences of "almost [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 He said nothing for almost the whole of the twenty minutes , until he got up and carried his plate and cup to the sink and then said , as he left the room , ‘ I see .
32 For almost the whole of the period under review , the prevalent and strongly held belief was that Britain , in common with other major economies , had climbed out of the economic slough of the interwar years and was set on a broad and permanent path of rising prosperity and full employment .
33 This is one of the group of ‘ grey geese ’ which is well known as a wintering bird on the mainland of Britain , and almost the whole of the European population breeds in Iceland .
34 This was one of the changes initially seen under the Republic : the capture of Jamaica in 1655 opened up a new road which encouraged rulers in the second half of the century to go forward and force other European powers to give up their lands on almost the whole of the North American coastline .
35 This form of ‘ observation ’ has very severe limitations not only because the teacher has a principal role in the lesson but because that role is likely to demand almost the whole of the teacher 's attention , particularly at the most important moments .
36 Throughout almost the whole of this period the industry depended on supplies eroded by the sea and cast up on shore .
37 There followed the annus mirabilis of 1889 during which , on Wilson 's later estimate , 130,000 members were enrolled in branches at 45 ports , a number representing , net of officers , engineers , cooks and stewards , " almost the whole of the seamen in the British mercantile marine " , though , he added with unusual candour , " it is true that they are not all paying up at the present time " , partly , it seems , because of the union 's policy of issuing " privilege tickets " involving no entry money or contributions until members could afford to pay .
38 almost the whole of erm
39 In 756 , after successfully campaigning against the Britons of Strathclyde and besieging Dumbarton at the time of the alliance with Óengus , son of Forgus , king of the Picts , almost the whole of Eadberht 's army perished at Newburgh on the Tyne , perhaps at the hands of the Britons .
40 Between 1971 and 1987 the total labour force increased by 2.3 million , and almost the whole of this was attributable to increased employment among women .
41 The original windows had been replaced by two long windows occupying almost the whole of the end wall .
42 His work included the completion of the choir and almost the whole of the antechapel , with all the high vaults , which he built by contract from 1512 .
43 He says that when a jet of ‘ inflammable air ’ [ hydrogen ] was burned in a receiver filled with ‘ common air ’ … ‘ the common air is contracted a full fifth of its original dimensions ; immediately after the flame is extinguished , there appears through almost the whole of the receiver , a fine powdery substance like a whitish cloud ’ .
44 Almost the whole of Praetorius 's enormous output consists of compositions of the most diverse types , from the simplest to the most elaborate , on Lutheran hymns ( and secondarily on the Latin portions of the Lutheran liturgy ) .
45 On almost the whole of the exposed parts of the western coasts of Britain both the prevalent and dominant winds are the westerlies , but on the east coast , where the prevalent winds are still the westerlies , the dominant winds are the easterlies , as the westerly winds are blowing offshore and are incapable of producing waves affecting the coast .
46 Of course , people do act out of character — but not often in a matter involving almost the whole of a man 's private fortune .
47 of the research undertaken by the Defence Research Agency is subcontracted from the Ministry of Defence to universities and industry — indeed , almost the whole of the development work goes to industry .
48 During his address , Walesa departed from his prepared text and asked Jews to forgive centuries of Polish anti-Semitism , especially the collaboration of some Poles in the annihilation by the Nazis of almost the whole of Poland 's 3,000,000-strong Jewish population during the Second World War .
49 And , beyond that , we ought to see that some of the latest European music is only ‘ fascistic ’ in ways that are almost the opposite of male triumpalism .
50 Energetically , the spring is almost the opposite of the pendulum .
51 As we went away to the sounds of Mrs Otto 's profuse good-byes , I reflected on the nature of the relationship between her and Otto , almost the opposite to what one might have expected : the gallant captain going off to sea where his authority was absolute and his orders brooked no delay , and returning to a wife whom he clearly adored but where the roles were reversed .
52 Almost the opposite to of er what I 'm looking at er coming from er being employed by larger companies to basically working for myself .
53 The history of the attempts to prevent cracks spreading or to evade the consequences , is almost the history of engineering .
54 It remains true , however , that because of the absolute size of the German economy ( now almost the equivalent of that of France and the United Kingdom combined ) it is inevitable that she should dominate any European Economic Union , particularly one based upon a Single Currency .
55 The East Sussex region is interesting because it has a very high retired population and it also has quite a long of young people , particularly in the Brighton area , and a relatively small workforce , rather low in industry , certainly in the primary industries , erm service occupations are perhaps almost the mainstay of the local populace — now how would an area such as that rate in your chart as to needs ?
56 This act was almost the downfall of Will Darrel .
57 Influenced by considerations such as these , successive leaderships had attempted since almost the beginning of the war to extricate their forces from the conflict .
58 Being almost the colour of the rocks , the Harpies are difficult to spot before they move .
59 But pressed up against the railings there were waxy gold marigolds , sunshine yellow flowers , bronze floppy heads and one clump almost the colour of blood .
60 In the arts it has become over the last century not the exception but almost the rule for the innovator at the crucial time of forming his style to find something in another culture from which he can learn , an influence not superficial , as in eighteenth century chinoiserie , but radical ( the Impressionists and the Japanese woodcut , Debussy and the Javanese gamelan , Frank Lloyd Wright and Japanese architecture , the Imagists and Japanese and Chinese poetry , the Cubists and African sculpture , Henry Moore and the Mexican Chac Mool , Brecht and Chinese theatre , Artaud and Balinese dance ) .
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