Example sentences of "carry out an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Police have released a photofit of a man they believe carried out an armed raid on an estate agents .
2 We have carried out an internal hospital inquiry into the incidents , but that is a confidential inquiry at this stage . ’
3 Pharmaceutical company Ciba-Geigy recently carried out an internal assessment of their 30 major suppliers ' performance .
4 Today , in east London , the public are cheering the Environment Commissioner of the European Community , Carlo Ripa di Meana , for issuing a directive that no work should be undertaken on the channel tunnel rail link because the Government have not carried out an environmental assessment .
5 Carlo believes , and rightly so , that the British Government should have carried out an environmental study before the route was chosen , not afterwards .
6 In conjunction with the organiser , D&B carried out an open systems and NT survey at last week 's UniForum Unix trade show in San Francisco .
7 Executions continue to be carried out an alarming rate in China , USA , Russia , Iraq , Iran and Nigeria .
8 Shindler will carry out an environmental compliance audit , to establish how well a company is complying with existing legislation .
9 ( Piaget did carry out an oral version of the task , but he does not report details of the results . )
10 Will the Minister confirm that the Scottish Office , or somebody , will carry out an initial selection process if there is more than one employee-management buy-out effort and that there will be , in effect , a preferred bid for assistance ?
11 They would carry out an initial assessment , based on an evaluation of your lifestyle , age , level of anxiety and so on .
12 There is also an interesting account of the excavations carried out by Wright which caused Sir Mortimer Wheeler years later to use it as an illustration of how not to carry out an archaeological dig .
13 Your doctor may want to carry out an internal examination to check the size and position of your womb , which will help indicate how far along you are , or this may be done at your hospital appointment .
14 Companies seeking the Prince 's warrant will have to show that they are developing an environmental policy and are willing to carry out an internal environmental review and to set green targets , to be reviewed annually .
15 Illuminative evaluation An attempt to carry out an illuminative evaluation of the undergraduate information retrieval course was also made .
16 Chatichai , who had previously removed three parties from his ruling coalition and had replaced them with two new members , had been under pressure for some time from the military and the media to carry out an extensive reshuffle in order to cleanse his government of allegedly corrupt elements .
17 At Level Two students will be expected to carry out an extensive job-search plan , operating largely independently .
18 Then the time to locate an address in I 2 will be : I 1 will only be created when it is quicker to search I 1 and then the track to which it points in I 2 , than to carry out an average length search of I 2 .
19 Have the ability to understand the general principles for how to carry out an online information search .
20 After orientation , the end-user should : Want to carry out an online information search , either alone , or with the help of an intermediary .
21 Many valuable training experiences can be arranged within a single school or agency , or by a group of teachers from different schools meeting regularly to carry out an agreed task .
22 Licensees are required to carry out an agreed scheme of prospecting and to report the results of their work programmes to the Department annually .
23 The judge was to carry out an agreed investigation into the bombing of a French UTA airliner over Niger in September 1989 in which 170 people died [ see p. 36910 ] .
24 The inability to carry out an agreed suggestion may indicate that neither the follower nor the leader had really understood the problem when the objective was set .
25 Nevertheless , when approached by M16 to carry out an underwater inspection of the Ordzhonikidze , he agreed without hesitation .
26 He promised ( i ) to drop immediately the 10 per cent tax on imports ; ( ii ) to eliminate Central Bank financing of the National Treasury , except for guaranteed financing provisions , and to streamline fiscal accounts to avoid deficits ; ( iii ) to combat speculation ; ( iv ) to end private and public monopolies ; ( v ) to introduce tax reforms at the beginning of the new year aimed at simplifying the tax system and making it more progressive to " make everyone participate in the national effort " ; and ( vi ) to carry out an administrative reform in the state sector with some state companies to be privatized .
27 Councils will have to carry out an annual survey of customer satisfaction , published just before local election .
28 Until recently it was not uncommon for a librarian in a public or academic library to carry out an annual check of the entire stock in this way .
29 Implementation of these proposals would result in tens of thousands of industrial plants being required to carry out an annual audit on the environmental effects of their operations .
30 Nor has there been any discussion of the growing requirement in the UK ( as elsewhere ) to carry out an environmental impact assessment for all major developments .
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