Example sentences of "carry [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You wo n't have much luggage to carry for a weekend .
2 In East Berlin , as the Communist Party 's central committee continued in crisis session , the East German President , Mr Egon Krenz , declared : ‘ We have a great task ahead of us … to carry through a revolution on German soil that will bring a socialism which is economically effective , politically democratic , and morally clean . ’
3 This crisis had come about as a result of the Emperor 's determination to carry through a series of far-reaching reforms which had actually been begun in a tentative fashion some years previously .
4 Mrs Thatcher , on the other hand , claimed that previous Tory leaders had agreed on the country 's problems and what needed to be done — cutting public expenditure and direct taxation , reforming the unions , and restoring the incentives and financial disciplines of the free market — but failed to carry through the policies .
5 ‘ You were right , of course , about it being impossible to carry through the fantasy look and dress Therese as a fairy heroine .
6 Thus , shortly after the Electricity Act received the royal assent , in September 1947 , Attlee appointed Gaitskell as Minister in his place , and it therefore fell to him to carry through the Government 's work of nationalisation by completing the appointments to the Boards and the working out of the new relationship of Ministry and BEA .
7 The group says they 'consider it inappropriate and ill advised to carry through the prposals for the restructuring of the Army in their entirety , and that they recommend the Government cancel all amalgamations or disbandments ’
8 ‘ I managed to carry through the hijacking 80 per cent .
9 It was nevertheless US equipment that was most in the news , after the struggle in Congress to carry through the sale of F-15 Eagles to Saudi Arabia in the face of resolute opposition from Israel and its supporters in the American legislature .
10 Theseus , having been helped by his friend Peirithous to carry off the girl Helen , in his turn accompanied Peirithous to Hades in an effort to abduct Persephone .
11 They got drunk and tried to carry off the women , and were fought off by the bridegroom with his Lapiths and his bosom-friend , the Athenian Theseus .
12 The robbers would have needed at least 16 large suitcases to carry off the cash , said bank spokesman , Jean-Claude Bach .
13 Being Phil 's mate , for example , was something which many fans aspired to even though they could never hope to carry off the performances required of an aggro leader themselves .
14 There is also a banner carried during a demonstration in York against child slavery , organized by Richard Oastler ( q.v. ) in 1832 .
15 I wanted to find someone to help Mrs Hobbs but as I went to the desk , she was already being carried through the door .
16 When , at last , the reformed corporation carried through the enclosure in 1845 , and the town could burst outwards , the damage had been done ( Fig. 14 ) .
17 Her body was lifted from the coffin and carried through the dusk across the open fields that then came up to the hospital , to Ferry Beach .
18 It was pinned in banknotes on the robes of the local thaumaturge as his statue — or hers was carried through the village , or dropped into the collecting pouches the sacristan poked into the pews .
19 The gamekeeper ran to the nearby camp of the navvies and with the aid of a sheep-hurdle Putt was carried through the village to the manor .
20 The government of the day carried through the efforts of the most highly trained and intelligent of any group of civil servants in continental Europe .
21 The culmination comes on the night of the full moon when the sacred tooth of Buddha is carried through the streets of Kandy in a shrine set on top of a gigantic tusker. & illus :
22 On his second voyage he sees the valley of the Diamonds ( CS 1 ; PFI 10 ) , and is carried through the air by a roc , a gigantic bird to whose feet he has tied himself while it is sleeping ( CS 15 ; PFI 10 ) .
23 Although spiders and insects hear the world in a very different way from us , they are sampling the same sounds carried through the air .
24 An archbishop presided at her requiem and her bier was carried through the city by leading members of the civil authorities .
25 A placard carried through the city by Women for Peace was changed overnight , with the addition of two deaths to the total killed since 1969 .
26 The blue and yellow theme will be carried through the summer by lobelias , marigolds and dahlias .
27 Cranston bellowed , not caring if his voice carried through the house , out into the enclosed courtyard where craftsmen were working .
28 Whilst the Soviets carried through the redistribution of land , the nationalisation of industry and the transfer of political authority to German Communists , so the three Western powers increasingly co-operated in the creation of a federalised , liberal-democratic state in the West .
29 The minister therefore seemed to have carried through the understanding reached with the British Medical Association in September .
30 Not one of the Hawick contingent returned from Flodden , but each year a flag is carried through the town by the ‘ Comet ’ , this time a young married man .
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