Example sentences of "carry [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By then , I had n't got a wireless but she declared that it was an absolutely necessary thing for someone in my situation and brought me a red one , of the kind that worked on batteries thankfully , not the kind you had to carry for miles to be recharged !
2 Hermann made great efforts to carry through reforms in his diocese and , as a result , was eventually summoned before both Emperor and Pope , deposed and excommunicated .
3 By the twentieth century , the hegemony of government in the political process ensured that measures could be carried through Parliament without too much difficulty .
4 On scheduled flights sporting equipment may be carried as part of your baggage allowance .
5 since they are carried as genes in the sex chromosomes .
6 A record-player will translate information carried as undulations in a groove into sound , but not back again : you can not make a record by shouting at the loudspeaker of a record-player .
7 Cranston whispered to the friar , though his voice carried for yards around them .
8 Section 18 penalizes the possession of a firearm with intent to commit a crime or to resist arrest : this is a more specific variation of section 16 , catering for the defence that the firearm was being carried for use in a robbery but with no intention that it would actually be used to endanger anyone , only to frighten — that would be a section 18 offence .
9 You are the first of the king 's officers to know that Lord Grey of Ruthyn is carried off prisoner into Wales , and if this moment you turned out the muster of every shire between here and Denbigh , and loosed them into Clocaenog forest , do you think you would find hide or hair of a Welshman there ?
10 The vote was carried against Stokes by a majority of well over two to one ; but Noel-Baker later argued in a letter to Attlee that ‘ the overwhelming majority of the Constituency Party delegates were against ‘ Fight for Freedom ’ and Vansittartism' .
11 Here , instead of the normal Roman practice of providing a gradual fall of the water channel — Vitruvius stated that a fall of 6 inches for every 100 feet was considered desirable — the water was carried under pressure across the broad valley .
12 In all , 122,243 tonnes out of a total of 149,990 tonnes of foodstuffs of all kinds was carried into Paris by rail .
13 These clauses unilaterally abrogated Spain 's 1851 Concordat with Rome and , when carried into law during the next eighteen months , signalled an all-out legislative assault upon the Church 's influential position within Spanish life .
14 The Goblin is almost completely unaware of what is happening around him , and he has to be carried into battle by his mates .
15 In this way glycine becomes the first amino acid in the protein , being carried into position on the ribosome assembly line by its tRNA .
16 Inequalities forged or reinforced in the labour market are carried into retirement via occupational and state ( earnings-related ) pension schemes .
17 That change was carried into effect on I July 1948 and remains the basis for hospital finance today .
18 New methods will come , no doubt , with the fruition of that research which the Home Secretary has urged and supported ; but we can not even claim to be using existing methods , when 7,550 prisoners are sleeping tonight three in a cell , and when policies which , but for the war , would have been on the statute book in 1939 , and have already been on the statute book for half a generation , have hardly begun to be carried into effect for lack of premises .
19 Nothing in the Report of Professor L. C. B. Gower on Review of Investor Protection ( 1984 ) ( Cmnd. 9125 ) , the recommendations of which were carried into effect by the Act of 1986 , elucidates why the distinction was made .
20 In each case , therefore , the agreement between the parties or the court order should be properly carried into effect by way of a conveyance , severance , transfer or declaration of trust , the form of which is the subject of this chapter .
21 She 'd been scooped ignominiously into her rescuer 's arms and carried with ease to the quayside .
22 Additionally , there are occasional examples of cycle lanes being carried in streets against the flow of one-way traffic systems .
23 Collapsible pushchairs and wheelchairs can be carried in addition to the allowance .
24 Carried in buckets of coal ,
25 Traditionally everything is carried in baskets on the head or shoulders , and you can often see these large wicker baskets full of cabbage , potatoes , oranges , apples or whatever is in season waiting at the side of the road for transport to the market in Funchal .
26 Amid further merriment it was carried in triumph down the second flight of stairs , through the kitchen and into the boudoir where Franca had already cleared a place for it .
27 However , it is surely worth noting that in September 1980 the South African Journal of Science carried in article by Vines ( vol 76 , p 404 ) in which he considered the prospect of extended drought conditions in South Africa in the mid-1980s .
28 The third chapel on the right is called the Crucifixion chapel because it contains a wooden crucifix carried in procession by San Carlo Borromeo during the time of the plague of 1576 .
29 When the French Captain Landolphe delivered a consignment of coral necklaces and rosaries in 1778 , he and his companions were invited to inspect the royal regalia carried in procession by the Oba and his chiefs to a shrine in one of the palace courtyards .
30 Only very fine particles , those with diameters less than 0–2 mm , are carried in suspension by the winds normally found at the surface of the earth .
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