Example sentences of "view to [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The activity of cable burning , that is the burning of insulation from cable with a view to recovering the metal is a source of obnoxious odours .
2 For the list of county court districts and the courts having bankruptcy jurisdiction over them , see Appendix A. Debtors ' petitions can be presented in whichever county court is specified by Schedule 2 to the rules as being , in relation to the debtors ' own county court , the nearest full time county court if it is more expedient with a view to expediting the petition ( r 6.40(3) ) .
3 He spent much of his time reading and studying with a view to producing a firm and concise version of his political ideas .
4 The Empire was to be set on a ‘ new course ’ by a process of increasing the parliamentary content of the constitutional structure with a view to producing a more ‘ liberal ’ regime .
5 With recent parts in On The Up , starring Dennis Waterman , and the Secret Agent , with David Suchet , Miss Mollison , 36 , tells me she has bought the option on a book with a view to producing a TV film from it .
6 However , Shakespeare 's managing director Malcolm McPherson is currently speaking to Intel Corp with a view to producing a viable shrink-wrapped version for 80486 personal computer users .
7 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
8 The various component projects have been designed with a view to producing a coherent perspective on the evolution of regulations , policy-making and implementation in regulatory agencies , and the impact of regulatory controls in the broad field of safety and health at work .
9 while the portion of the Forest at present planted under the Acts may properly be managed with a view to producing the most profitable crop of trees , the remainder of the Forest should henceforth , in the interest of the nation at large , be managed with a view to the preservation of its natural aspect and condition as a Forest of surpassing beauty and unique character .
10 A detailed study of the world 's most successful seed potato exporter — the Netherlands — is being undertaken with a view to modelling the Dutch export marketing system , taking account of the different structure and conditions prevailing in Northern Ireland , and the experiences of the Scottish and Irish Republic 's industries .
11 So it 's sensible to buy with a view to maintaining a good second-hand value as the car ages .
12 typesize and layout have been chosen with a view to maintaining the flow of reading
13 ‘ No court shall exercise its powers to make a specific issue order or prohibited steps order — ( a ) with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by making a residence or contact order ; …
14 ‘ No court shall exercise its powers to make a specific issue order or prohibited steps order — ( a ) with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by making a residence or contact order ; …
15 It would be a deliberate flouting of the principles of the Act , with a view to achieving a result which ought not to be sought , to embark on that course .
16 Ministers emphasised " the importance of monetary and fiscal policies which provide the basis of lower real interest rates " , but failed to recommend any immediate measures , agreeing only " to monitor the situation closely and to take actions as needed within the co-ordination process , with a view to achieving a sound recovery and a growing world economy " .
17 The court can not exercise its powers to make a specific issue or prohibited steps order with a view to achieving a result which could be achieved by a residence or contact order ( s9(5) ( a ) ) .
18 Article 5 obliges state parties to take all appropriate measures to modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women , with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudice , customs and all other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or superiority of either sexes .
19 A relatively small number of industrially advanced countries appear to have the basic technological and managerial skills required to respond to the IT challenge in an orderly fashion with a view to achieving the accompanying advantages .
20 Ages tend to be entered initially as six , seven or eight mainly with a view to achieving an acceptable age of completion for secondary entry .
21 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
22 Recognising there appeared to be substantial support for this move he approached Robert Naish privately with a view to easing the inevitable changeover .
23 Bevin agreed with Attlee about the need to forestall the Russians , and took the initiative in drafting a resolution for the General Assembly authorizing the crossing of the 38th parallel with a view to establishing a unified , independent , and democratic government of all Korea .
24 The Resources Allocation Working Party ( RAWP ) was set up with a brief ( RAWP 1975 : 5 ) : To review the arrangement for distributing NHS capital and revenue … with a view to establishing a method of securing , as soon as practicable , a pattern of distribution responsible objectively , equitably and efficiently , to relative need .
25 One of the purposes was to identify examples of effective resource allocation with a view to establishing a training programme that would enable others to gain similar skills .
26 Firstly , negotiations were begun with Forth Valley Enterprise with a view to establishing a training unit on campus .
27 In addition , with all the hype over the new stand , many bookmakers who had deserted Down Royal , were now keen to be seen to be taking a renewed interest in betting there — obviously with the view to establishing a cosy pitch when grand opening day on July 13 takes place .
28 In addition to servicing our existing clients , MAS specialists seek to obtain new clients by providing initial acquisition or disposal services to non-clients with a view to establishing a long term client relationship for other KPMG services .
29 The Group of Eight ( G-8 ) Latin American debtor countries ( Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Mexico , Peru , Uruguay , Venezuela and Panama — the last having been expelled , however , on March 30 , 1990 — see p. 37373 ) meeting in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires on Dec. 4-5 , 1989 , issued the Buenos Aires Declaration , under which the Foreign Affairs and Economic and Planning Ministers agreed to meet every six months with a view to establishing a Latin American common market by 1992 .
30 At two days of talks convened in Lomé on Feb. 12-13 by the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) mediation group , the factions signed their agreement to a detailed plan for monitoring the ceasefire , and agreed to hold a national conference in March with a view to establishing a transitional government .
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