Example sentences of "stand [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 After the South African War , he tried unsuccessfully to stand for the South African parliament before returning home to marry Lady Mary Douglas Hamilton .
2 A statue to Balboa stands near the Pacific exit of the Panama Canal , in the town named in his honour .
3 The thin beech spinney from where the dogs were slipped still stands near the Oxford road .
4 We went to school together , I saved him from a beating and he rescued me from a hanging , twice ; once in Ipswich and then again at Montfaucon , that great forest of gibbets which stands near the Porte St Denis in Paris .
5 It may not yet be the FBI but , just as in the movies where the American flag stands behind the FBI chief 's desk , Mr Mullett has already propped the Union flag against the wall .
6 Stromatolites related to former high lake stands in the Lake Magadi-Natron basin have uncorrected U-series ages of about 300kyr , although a corrected age of 25040kyr may be obtained by assuming that 234 U had been preferentially leached .
7 Sarah Purser 's portrait of the young Maud is in the National Gallery of Ireland and a bust of her by Lawrence Campbell stands in the Hugh Lane Gallery .
8 Among those at the party was Muhammad Ali , who unlike Louis has , so far , not sunk to being doorman at Caesars Palace ; he just stands in the Mirage Hotel at the head of a never diminishing human snake , signing his autograph .
9 Among those at the party was Muhammad Ali , who unlike Louis has , so far , not sunk to being doorman at Caesars Palace ; he just stands in the Mirage Hotel at the head of a never diminishing human snake , signing his autograph .
10 Granby House is listed Grade II and stands within the Whitworth Street Conservation Area .
11 Not only would she be able to stand in the Commons bar and glare at Conservatives who betrayed her during the leadership contest , thus putting them off their ill-earned whiskies , but chastise those responsible for mishandling the Tory campaign .
12 Sooner or later she would have to stand before the Mother Superior and confess what she had done , but even that awful prospect could n't quell her joy just then .
13 The modelling of the Gorgon 's face resembles that of the Dipylon head ( fig. 15 ) , and she stands to her perhaps slightly later sister of Corfu very much as that stands to the Delphi twins ( fig. 16 ) : the Attic works have perhaps less charm but more power .
14 We have no bronze original which stands to the Hestia as the Zeus to the Apollo .
15 This little mill stands on the Washbrook .
16 And as the ship freed herself from the mule-lines and her screw began to chum up a wake of umber , sludgy water , and she picked up speed towards the marker buoys and the farewell beacon on Flamenco Island , I was sure I could see the seamen still , pointing their cameras back — now with long lenses all — towards the statue of Balboa which stands on the Panama City seafront , with the great man gazing out at the Ocean into which the Poles were now , at long last , sailing .
17 Earlier plans for a purely commando raid had been abandoned , as mentioned earlier , because St Nazaire stands on the Loire estuary with only one deep-water channel which was covered by coastal batteries in 1942 .
18 The memorial stands on the Harrington to Lamport road .
19 The Egyptians are asking for Cleopatra 's Needle , the great granite obelisk of 1500 BC which stands on the Thames embankment just a few yards from the Savoy .
20 i.e. the old Whitehall Palace in London , which used to stand beside the Thames , between the present Houses of Parliament and Charing Cross Bridge .
21 The Rangers midfield player , who used to stand on the Elland Road terraces , fears Howard Wilkinson 's champions could copy Arsenal by going into free-fall after crashing out of Europe .
22 STONE products produced by the Border Hardcore and Rockery Stone Company , of Middletown , Welshpool , are enhancing display stands at the Paris Air Show .
23 For Balboa stands at the Pacific terminus of the Panama Canal — one of the most remarkable examples of man 's enduring engineering skills , one of the legacies of Balboa 's discovery and march .
24 Ontario 's Attorney-General , Roy McMurtry , says he stands by the CDC report and Digoxin expert , Alois Hastreiter of the University of Illinois says post-mortem levels found in some of the patients were ‘ far too high to be explained by any naturally occurring substance ’ .
25 The ruins of this 900-year-old castle , the first Norman castle in England , stand on the West Hill cliff top commanding panoramic views .
26 Three children , aged between four and seven , scream as uniformed East Berlin police drag them and their mother off and push them into a lorry as they stand outside the US embassy in East Berlin , hoping desperately to get inside .
27 Visit the Schwartz stand at the BBC Good Food Show and you could win an attractive Schwartz wooden spice rack ( spices not included ) .
28 In September Lafayette took pride of place on the Stoddard Templeton stand at the Harrogate exhibition , the main retail carpet exhibition of the year , where it was officially launched and shown for the first time .
29 Stand at the Shropshire Steam Engine Show , Bishop 's Castle , 26/27 August 1990
30 The jump will be a familiar sight to people who attended the Citroen stand at the Yorkshire Show last year .
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