Example sentences of "stand at his [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We dealt with this by getting someone to stand at his head and reinforcing the message with the verbal command ‘ Stand ’ which he had learned on the lunge .
2 Otherwise it was largely a stunt — the saxophonist acting like a contortionist while continuing to play , the bass-player straddling his instrument on the floor , as if he were raping it ; and it was de rigueur for the pianist to stand at his instrument , and play with one hand , thus giving himself freedom for muscular improvisation .
3 He would stand at his study window before the open curtains , his bespectacled eyes blinking into the night and his lips parted , but motionless , until after an interval they would shape a soundless ‘ Amen ’ .
4 He was not consciously watching , but turning over in his mind what he had just heard , so that he was surprised to find the little brunette from the office standing at his elbow .
5 ‘ Of course we are trying to recruit new people to Flockplan , but we are doing so in the knowledge that having a detailed analysis of flock performance and an independent adviser standing at his shoulder , can help a sheep producer improve efficiency and profit enough to recoup the cost many times over . ’
6 The path I took ran past Mr Frankland 's house , and I saw him standing at his gate .
7 And now time , which in the last ten minutes seemed mysteriously to have halted , flowed again and he was standing at his bedroom window five days later watching the great ball of the sun rise out of the sea to stain the horizon and spread over the eastern sky the veins and arteries of the new day .
8 Li Shai Tung stared at the urbane , highly-sophisticated man standing at his side and laughed briefly , bemused that Shepherd could see himself in that brutal portrait .
9 Standing at his father 's shoulder , Lachlan noticed Farquhar 's hand on the hilt of his knife , and gestured secretly to him to remove it .
10 As Thiercelin backed to the window , Rannou , who had stood at his post all along , scrambled up and out .
11 Hairy Back was smoking his pipe and laughing with a neighbour as he stood at his gate .
12 The prince was seated , not in his chair of state , but between two of his clerks at a trestle table , with a quantity of papers and parchments spread before them ; and his treasurer stood at his shoulder , ready to advise if requested , but looking on so impartially that it seemed to her he had already done his share .
13 His mother followed and stood at his door looking anxiously at him .
14 A person who stood at his window shouting threats , abuse or insults would commit the offence so long as the victim was in the garden or elsewhere outside the structure of the dwelling .
15 Li Yuan stood at his father 's side , scanning each sheet as his father finished with it .
16 But as the priest stood at his study window , fingers joined in thanksgiving to the night sky for his release from the bitter-sweet torture of reliving what was dead and gone , his mind quailed before his new dilemma .
17 One was Hank , who stood at his side , pulling his sleeve to make him stop .
18 He roused to a touch on his shoulder and Abul Ismail stood at his side .
19 Tristram turned to Jennifer , and she came and stood at his side .
20 Rachel stood at his side , staring at him , her breath held .
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