Example sentences of "stand for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The centre stands for compromise between president and parliament — and compromise no longer seems a solution to their bitter war .
2 They 're going overland by motorbike ; it 's all in aid of SNAP the charity that stands for Support for the Sick Newborn and their Parents at the John Radcliffe Hospital .
3 He stressed that his government " stands for co-operation with the West and will encourage foreigners to own up to 100 per cent of businesses " .
4 Both restrictive and non-restrictive adjectives in sentences such as ( 3 ) are alike in that they instantiate the P in : ( 6 ) [ P E ] The difference between the two possibilities is solely that , in cases of non-restriction , the speaker is aware that the identification carried out by the noun phrase as a whole is the same as it would be if the adjective ( limiting ourselves to adjectival instances ) were not present ; in essence , we have the situation as in ( 7 ) ( where the sign =i obviously stands for equality on the parameter of identification , and not for the intensional relation of equation ) : ( 7 ) In practice , the situation is almost always somewhat more complicated in English , because there will nearly always be a determiner ; thus the non-restrictive status of the adjective in the subject phrase of ( 8 ) can be represented by the formula ( 9 ) , with Pb as the adjectival property and Pc as the property inherent in the noun ( while Pa represents the word this ) : ( 8 ) this Christian Pope committed most unchristian acts ( 9 ) Nevertheless , the presence of other elements in a noun phrase beside the non-restrictive adjective and the noun itself in no way alters the principle involved .
5 ( that stands for Kids of Survival ) , an artist cooperative that has had an enormous success in recent years , opened its first show at Mary Boone last month .
6 Other requirements are more mundane , and include money in order to provide hymn and song books , instruments and music stands for churches in which such necessities are not taken for granted .
7 ‘ The four As , sometimes they just put figure 4 and capital A. It stands for Action Against Animal Abuse . ’
8 It is suggested that the first unifying theme for 1992 should be ‘ The work of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ’ , and that work should start on preparing a modular exhibit , parts of which can be convertible to form smaller mobile exhibition stands for erection at other venues .
9 Compare the supply of aspirants willing to stand for Parliament with the demands of pa when adopting candidates for local constituencies .
10 Though making no attempt to stand for Parliament in 1841 , he was again appointed storekeeper of the ordnance in Peel 's second ministry .
11 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
12 Prime Minister Mouloud Hamrouche , who was to stand for election for the first time , said that the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) might consider entering into a coalition with one of the secular opposition parties , either before or after the election .
13 For , on the one hand , they dispensed valuable resources : opportunities for lamb-barrel politics were an incentive to people to participate in popular democracy , to stand for election to a committee , even if they doubted its suitability for managing a complex hierarchical organization .
14 By the 1890s it was the established practice for Nonconformist ministers , along with local clergymen , to stand for election to the Boards .
15 This had implications both for service delivery and for the recruitment of black staff — not to mention the encouragement of black people to stand for election to the councils .
16 Anthony Wedgwood-Benn renounced his peerage in order to stand for election to the House of Commons .
17 An ardent but always non-violent feminist , she campaigned vigorously for women 's rights , fought hard to improve rudimentary state education and medical services , and was one of the first women to stand for election to a borough council after the passing of the Qualification of Women Act in 1907 .
18 The opposition was further alienated by a clause in a government decree law of Aug. 22 governing the eligibility of candidates representing unregistered political parties , independent organizations and alliances to stand for election to the CCD .
19 AT THE Scottish Labour women 's conference in Perth last year , one delegate caused hoots of laughter when she described her attempt to stand for election to the district council .
20 They were , almost without exception , young scions of old notable families of the towns they now represented , persuaded by their families to stand for election in order to maintain the family interest .
21 Schools in all but a few pockets of the county are expected to find enough people willing to stand for election in September when 1,600 governors are due to be appointed .
22 Another common form of torture at the Compound involves forcing the detainee to stand for hours on one leg , the other being tied to a door handle .
23 We used to stand for hours beside the railway line or leaning over a bridge waiting for the next one to come rushing past , and we would write down the numbers of the engines and also their names ( King George V , Dunraven Castle ) .
24 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
25 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
26 Reluctantly , Johnson accepted their advice , and on 31 March 1968 he made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to announce a fresh peace initiative , the reduction of bombing raids on North Vietnam , and his decision not to stand for re-election in November .
27 They also accused Cafiero of seeking to keep himself in office by introducing a clause allowing him to stand for re-election in the 1991 gubernatorial elections .
28 Holland declined to stand for Norfolk in 1679 , although he voted for the exclusionists , and stood unsuccessfully in 1685 as a trimmer .
29 In 1812 he accepted an invitation to stand for Liverpool at the election with his friend Henry Brougham ( later Baron Brougham and Vaux , q.v . ) .
30 Before his death his wife Senator Madeleine Z. Bordallo had announced her intention to stand for Governor in the November 1990 elections .
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