Example sentences of "stand as an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Straddling the azure magnificence of San Francisco Bay , the Golden Gate Bridge stands as an icon to the sun-loving , glossy sophistication of West Coast civilisation .
2 If the foundation of the UGC stands as an attempt to relate narrowly-based civil institutions to the concerns of public policy and national agency , the proposals contained in the Newbolt Report represent an attempt to provide for English a similar link with national policy .
3 Nevertheless , his Memoir stands as an indictment of the apprentice era .
4 Whichever alternative is right , the trade unions ' bid for a share in the control of industry and , implicitly , to stand as an equal with Parliament as a body to which the nationalised industries should be accountable , could no longer be entertained .
5 The following day , however , an SPD delegate , Oswald Hoch , defected from his party group to stand as an independent , restoring the government 's one-seat majority .
6 Last autumn , Mr Alton threatened to quit or even stand as an independent after the party 's Harrogate conference endorsed a strong pro-abortion line .
7 The blow came at a meeting on Saturday when members voted not to let him stand as an election candidate — despite a recommendation to accept him by the executive committee .
8 And she can stand as an example of all my attitudes or of every other encounter with the female sex .
9 If Pink Floyd 's music displays a congruence with avant-garde developments outside rock , then Procul Harum 's ‘ A Whiter Shade of Pale ’ ( a big hit in the summer of 1967 ) can stand as an example of a complementary trend : the influence of older art music sources .
10 A preliminary account of events up to the mid-1970s has already been given for both locales , which will stand as an account for Cramlington but some elaboration is necessary for North Shields .
11 ‘ The really important change will be that the UK Road Running Commission will be genuinely powerful , and will stand as an equal with the other specialisations — particularly track and field and cross-country .
12 A maze of low stone walls bounded the twisting paths of the front lawn , and one wall of a former next-door cottage had been left standing as an ornament , with glassless windows .
13 Mr McGimpsey , whose brother Chris will be standing as an Ulster Unionist candidate in the Court ward , admitted last night : ‘ It is a bit of a blow .
14 The original Liberal Democrat candidate , Pamela Beasley , 47 , a local councillor , was de-selected following allegations of theft and she is standing as an independent under a People 's Party flag .
15 Hughes , 66 , alleges ballot-rigging and is defiantly standing as an independent against the Kinnockite Bob Ainsworth , a Jaguar shop steward and local councillor .
16 Standing as an Independent , Henry Hamilton Beamish came within 1181 votes of winning such a by-election in Clapham in June 1918 .
17 Occasionally a party is defied , and a rejected and disgruntled postulant insists on standing as an independent .
18 The incumbent President and former leader of the Slovene League of Communists , Milan Kucan , standing as an independent , was re-elected as President for a five-year term with 64 per cent of the vote .
19 Roy Bradford who had been a member of the Executive stood as an Ulster Unionist in East Belfast but without the support of UUUC , and Tom Conaty who was well known as Chairmen of the Central Citizens Defence Committee ( CCDC ) stood as an Independent in West Belfast and identified himself as a Catholic representative .
20 He went on to win the seat , despite the fact that the former MP , Paddy Maxwell , stood as an Independent .
21 Roy Bradford who had been a member of the Executive stood as an Ulster Unionist in East Belfast but without the support of UUUC , and Tom Conaty who was well known as Chairmen of the Central Citizens Defence Committee ( CCDC ) stood as an Independent in West Belfast and identified himself as a Catholic representative .
22 In the first round of voting on Jan. 12 Zhelev , backed by the ruling Union of Democratic Forces ( UDF ) of which he was a former chairman , had unexpectedly failed to win the necessary overall majority , but obtained 45 per cent as against 30 per cent for Valkanov and 17 per cent for the third-placed Georgi Ganchev , a former fencing champion who stood as an independent , in a field of 22 candidates .
23 Land government : CDU-FDP coalition depending on support of independent deputy Wolfgang Schulz , who originally stood as an SPD candidate but then as an independent because of alleged Stasi connections .
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