Example sentences of "stand in [art] way " in BNC.

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1 In principle , it seems unjust that a homicide conviction should not be possible in such a case , if all the other elements can be established and only the ‘ year and a day ’ rule stands in the way .
2 Its goal was to identify what stands in the way of effective action on the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .
3 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
4 It 's also alive with midges , which stands in the way of it being a Scottish Shangrila .
5 I prefer a more recessed sound with the guitar shade more forward , but nothing stands in the way of a hearty recommendation .
6 Given the composition of Council , it is likely that only the DTI stands in the way of adoption of this proposal : if it is adopted , I hope we will be spared further sanctimonious claims to the high ground by the Institute , and that it concedes it is operating predominantly in the interests of ( some of ) its members .
8 In order to sustain a more robust disagreement , individualist theorists must contend that human autonomy makes a substantial difference to the explanation of action , and stands in the way of the determinist account supposedly favoured by holists .
9 What stands in the way ?
10 He stresses in particular that enlightened self love itself will realize that too much love of self , and too little of others , stands in the way of happiness .
11 He traces the origins of contemporary attitudes to professionalism and public services , to the Victorian period , and argues that the model we have inherited is outmoded and stands in the way of improving professionally relationships .
12 Even worse , some think public relations stands in the way of getting at the real facts .
13 Nothing stands in the way but cultural inertia . "
14 ‘ The Emperor is not your enemy , Deems , except in so far as he stands in the way of your advancement .
15 In this case , only the Secretary of State stands in the way of a move to decentralise control over local spending and to return it to local communities .
16 TIME has run out for the Angus family whose cottage stands in the way of a multi-million pound dual carriageway on the Dundee to Aberdeen road , writes James Rougvie .
17 Only a kind of mental laziness stands in the way .
18 Nothing has been allowed to stand in the way of the sector 's progress towards profitability .
19 Well , a little thing like that should not be allowed to stand in the way of such a great man , so Mr Pozsgay now spends one hour a week in the gym .
20 As for the supposedly devastating impact of the John Major Diary in Private Eye , of which I am also a co-author , I can only say that , despite the article 's prediction , it did not seem to stand in the way of a gratifying number of people giving him their enthusiastic support on Thursday — including myself .
21 This is simply natural , it 's a fact , you both know that whatever happens , even if God and the Devil were to stand in the way , you will have what you want .
22 In our view it is manifestly not right that councillors should allow their personal opinions on a political or industrial matter to stand in the way of the right of access of the public to all publications which can reasonably be provided .
23 Boss Kevin Keegan is not pushing the 30-year-old striker out of the door , but he is unlikely to stand in the way if Quinn decides he wants to leave .
24 While these differences had not been allowed to stand in the way of the launch of the EEC and its immediate economic schedule , as the organisation moved on to more of its objectives it was always probable that these differences would gain greater expression .
25 First , if holism and individualism are to be distinct , causation and autonomy must be mutually exclusive categories : if the autonomous character of action is to stand in the way of the truth of determinism , actions can not at the same time be caused .
26 We felt this should not be allowed to stand in the way of the child protection process , so we tried to put the responsibility where it should properly lie — with the perpetrator . ’
27 He listened silently , simply nodding when she had finished He could never marry her and he had no right to stand in the way of any happiness she could find .
28 But many democrats , in France and elsewhere , were concerned that the traditionally dominant minority of the rich and propertied should no longer be able to stand in the way of the will and the interests of the great majority .
29 Let us leave aside , for the moment , the practical difficulties which stand or are believed to stand in the way of direct democracy .
30 Different concerns and procedures , and hence unfamiliarity , should not be allowed to stand in the way of understanding .
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