Example sentences of "meet for [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Stan called me and we met for a chat at his home .
2 Twenty-seven veterans of the summer campaign to Argentina ( minus centre Christian Coeurville who is involved in exams ) , along with the ‘ tired trio ’ — Sella , Mesnel and LaFond — and the ‘ banned trio ’ of Gimbert , Benazzi and Roumat , and Sebastian Conchy ( the Begles and French students flanker ) met for a squad session in Leon in South West France .
3 NINE former staff at the old Williams & Glyn 's Bradford Branch were soon talking about ‘ the good old days ’ when they met for a reunion in one of the city 's wine bars .
4 With an interpreter we met for a drink and he told me that because his home was in East Germany he had been forbidden to travel abroad until quite recently when he became an old-age Pensioner ; this voyage was his first taste of freedom .
5 We met for a drink .
6 In the first week of January 1979 , President Giscard d'Estaing expounded his view when he met for a summit conference with Jimmy Carter , Hemut Schmidt , the West German chancellor , and James Callaghan , the British prime minister , on the French West Indian island of Guadeloupe .
7 Soon after his call , they met for a meal at Shoney 's Big Boy restaurant where Franks/Schafer introduced him to Burchette , who was then working from home as a one-man security service , and to Jack Terrell , a former operative of Oliver North 's in Central America .
8 Two years ago the 41year-old received a similar amount when his former teams of Liverpool and Arsenal met for a testimonial match .
9 I made no comment on this at the time ( though privately I thought it a brash boast ) but when we met for the interview I asked if he had brought the pendulum with him .
10 They had been a unit , had shared jokes , exchanged small gifts , written to each other when unable to meet for a week or two ; the assumption was always that this would continue , and expand .
11 Not , says UI , to kowtow to any kind of preconditions SunSoft wants UI to meet for the firm to close on the desktop issue , but simply that USL does n't have resources to do all the development work coming down the line .
12 The DPP responded by calling off plans to surround the building where the National Assembly was to meet for the election .
13 A beat west past Bodrum town and it 's magnificent Crusader castle to meet for the evening barbecue at the Blue Lagoon .
14 One such group for Greek Cypriot women meets for a lunch club where they cook traditional dishes and work on embroidery together .
15 Parliament meets for the confidence vote on December 30 .
16 There had been talk of meeting for a drink in the evening , but the talk had taken place at five in the morning as Kelly was hurriedly slipping into her clothes and now Nick seemed to have forgotten .
17 Tracey suggested meeting for a drink when he finished work on Saturday evening .
18 What about meeting for a drink ? ’
19 Not entirely sober one evening in 1832 , Turner entered a Preston temperance meeting for a joke but came out converted .
20 It was settled that Branson would give her the signed contract at the Roof Gardens , where all the directors of Virgin were meeting for a Christmas dinner .
21 ‘ How about meeting for a meal this evening ? ’
22 Dinner guest : Tuesday night saw the annual dinner of the area British Legion Club with members meeting for a meal at the Stanwick Arms .
23 The origin of the present-day adult deaf organisational network was sowed one Sunday evening in 1822 in St. Andrew 's Square , Glasgow where John Anderson , former Headmaster of the Glasgow Institution for the deaf who was now teaching privately from his house in St. Andrew 's Square , held a prayer meeting for a number of pupils and adults .
24 On Friday 24 February 1989 , my Group was meeting for the weekend at Oxford .
25 This is the resolutions meeting for the AGM .
26 The Championships were very important this year , a selection meeting for the Commonwealth Games and the European Championships .
27 Both events have racing tomorrow and Sunday , and on Sunday Carlingford Lough Yacht Club host a North Coast trophy meeting for the Optimist Class .
28 On the eve of the presidential elections , as 3,000 students continued the sit-in and over 50 went on hunger strike , Lee announced an extraordinary national policy meeting for the summer .
29 Working for patients gives the assurance that ‘ the costs of emergency services and those requiring immediate admission to hospital can be met for every patient who needs them , irrespective of whether the patient is resident in a district which has a contract with the hospital ’ ( DoH , 1989a , para.4. 18 ) .
30 A Co-op spokesman says : ‘ We have found an alternative firm but it has meant that instead of mortgage repayments being met for a year , they will now only be paid for six months — and the price has had to rise as well . ’
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