Example sentences of "already [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The teacher asks if any of those present have already travelled in the West and some of the class claim knowledge of the dangers and difficulties of the journey .
2 Loudon 's avowed objective , ‘ the amelioration of the great mass of society in all countries ’ , may appear to a modem reader grandiose , but to the Victorian reformer a bloodless revolution in housing seemed the best way of avoiding the carnage already witnessed on the European mainland .
3 Have we not already witnessed on the television his Scargill-type debate on the floor of the House during MPs ' Question Time ?
4 At twenty-two , he was already recognized within the ballet world as the most gifted dance creator of his generation , and George Balanchine commissioned him to make a work for New York City Ballet .
5 The previous Government , however , had already pointed to the need to revitalize urban economies , and at first the shift was more rhetorical than real .
6 We have already pointed to the way in which stratification may well inhibit the full development of talent in a society as a result of inequality of opportunity , which inevitably means that a stratified society is not utilising its talent resources fully .
7 The Ukrainian parliament ( Supreme Rada ) on April 29 had passed a bill , already ratified by the Crimean Supreme Soviet , delineating Crimea 's rights , including control over natural resources , land and economic reform .
8 He hurries to the Male Staff toilet and finds Rupert Sutcliffe and Bob Busby already ensconced at the three-stall urinal .
9 The Christmas tree was already ensconced in the drawing-room , so they had arranged to have tea in the dining-room , where a lovely fire was blazing .
10 ‘ I was courteously received at the Guildhall , but found , to my chagrin , my lord of Gloucester already ensconced in the chair of state .
11 A critical relationship had already developed between the PLO and the Palestinians of the territories .
12 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ internal market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
13 The Indian presence in far flung outposts of the Empire , for example , from Malaysia to East Africa , can only be understood in this context , and it is important to note that a tradition of emigration from Jamaica had already developed in the nineteenth century , with 2,000 Jamaicans migrating to build railways in Panama , followed by well over 80,000 who went to work on the first attempt at constructing the Panama Canal in the 1880s .
14 Compact should build on work already developed in the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative ( TVEI ) .
15 It can be argued that a fairly radical Type II ‘ Internal Market ’ has already developed in the care of the elderly , where much provision is private but much of the funding is public .
16 In the recent film Return of the Jedi , for example , the imaginative licence of science fiction is combined with a reverence for genres already developed within the film industry in order to offer images of Orientalism and primitivism extended and exaggerated beyond the point of realistic representation of ‘ other ’ peoples or goods ( for an extension of this argument see Miller forthcoming ; for a comparable example see Spooner 1986 ) .
17 In 1605 it began trading at Surat , which was convenient for the Persian trade already developed by the Muscovy Company and also for diplomatic contact with the Moghul capital at Agra .
18 The Syrians had already broken through the rampart of sand but as we approached , a Palestinian holding a rifle walked up to our car .
19 ‘ About two-thirds of them had already broken into the European market , particularly France , but were seeking new outlets : the rest were starting from scratch . ’
20 Local hotel owner Julio Contreras is worried that if the bridge stays closed for much longer , some businesses , already ravaged by the recession , will close .
21 This process of self-observation has already matured from the assimilation of media images , which are often more strongly inforced than the female role-models in everyday life .
22 Dysmap works by solving a large number of simultaneous equations at specified time intervals , using the information already calculated for the previous time interval as the basis for the current series of calculations .
23 But Defries had already jumped into the shrinking gap .
24 Smith told police he thought the girls had already jumped from the bay when he , Harper and Winter had run off .
25 As we have seen , this optimism is already justified on the theoretical side , and this is providing a fruitful stimulus to the experimentalists .
26 I have already commented on the book 's failure to mention the work of Lehrl , from West Germany : equally missing is the outstanding work of Volkmar Weiss and the Mehlhorns in East Germany , of A. Firkowska and others in Poland , of N. G. Lipovecheja and his colleagues in the USSR , and many others .
27 At its most obvious this refers to the placement of the school in the natural or man-made environment and I have already commented on the vast variations which exist , from town to country ; seashore to savannah , forest or mountain .
28 I have already commented on the fertility of the plot , and the weeds loved it .
29 We have already commented on the corruption of ‘ Jesus the Nazarean ’ into ‘ Jesus of Nazareth ’ .
30 I have already commented on the suggestion , made by both conservative Christians and Christian feminists , that the Spirit should be seen as specifically female .
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