Example sentences of "effect [prep] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 High resolution n.m.r. has proved to be a particularly useful tool in the study of the microstructure of polymers in solution , where the extensive molecular motion reduces the effect of long range interactions and allows the short range effects to dominate .
2 Windows have to be cleaned often if they are to be kept clean , and literary clarity , too , is always likely to be an effect of long labour .
3 Effect of long term tamoxifen treatment on bone turnover in women with breast cancer
4 To clarify a possible role for synthesis of leukotrienes in damage caused by NSAIDs we investigated the effects of long term NSAID treatment on gastric mucosal LTB 4 , LTC 4 , and prostaglandin E 2 ( PGE 2 ) concentrations in patients with arthritis compared with control subjects not taking NSAIDs .
5 Alternatively , protein kinase C could regulate the turnover or insertion of the histamine H 2 receptor into the membrane and be involved with the effects of long term exposure to gastrin on the response to histamine .
6 Dose dependent effects of long term ingestion of small amounts of gliadin in coeliac disease children : a clinical and jejunal morphometric study
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