Example sentences of "perhaps [pers pn] [vb mod] just " in BNC.

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1 I think , perhaps I 'll just try putting my arms round him and kissing him .
2 So perhaps I 'll just run through some of those .
3 Perhaps I 'll just .
4 I think perhaps I 'll just have a little bit of water I 'm very thirsty , I know I have n't
5 Well perhaps I 'll just do it for Malcolm 's patch .
6 Perhaps I 'll just explain what this is about , chairs , it 's not very self- explanatory .
7 Pretty soon you 're licking your lips and saying ‘ that was nice , perhaps I might just , once more ’ .
8 Perhaps I might just take the chance to say that if there is a local group that would like to hospitality to people from developing countries that are at the Institute , we always welcome that sort of opportunity and invitation .
9 Or perhaps I should just wait here — perhaps someone 's gone into town to look for me and will come back eventually — ’
10 Oh perhaps I should just report briefly that erm the erm changing over of erm erm some stage twos from my sub team to other sub teams became a necessary when Fiona returned very shortly afterwards .
11 Perhaps I should just say a word about that that operation since you 've raised it , because it is one type of job that we do , that is taking part in a rather large group , in this case sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat at the request of the government of Uganda after the fall of erm of Amin , to assess the rehabilitation needs of the country and to suggest what policies should be priority policies for their point of view and what contribution could be made by other countries through aid and erm other ways of technical assistance and fellowships for training and so forth , to help in this rehabilitation .
12 ‘ Oh , you know , I thought perhaps I 'd just check through things and make sure . ’
13 two , of regulation seventeen , perhaps I 'd just give you the reference in er I 'm sure it must be there , page , page twelve , one , one is regulation seventeen
14 Perhaps I could just advise members , Chairman , that erm , that the timescale for that would be fairly tight , erm , and my recollection is that when we er , we went out to consultation previously in the sphere of learning disability on an issue that I well you should know , erm , I think there were some thirteen plus consultation meetings required in , in order to , erm , to get a fair spread of , of , of opinion .
15 We do n't need all that much from each club to keep us afloat but if we do n't get your help , I am very concerned that in the present recession we shall not be able to keep up our work and in conclusion Your Royal Highness perhaps I could just say that the Seamanship Foundation is very grateful to the R Y A , to the Treasurer , Chris and particularly to the Senior Managers who have done everything they can to help the foundation , thank you .
16 Perhaps I could just inject here the the one of the more recent elements of the discussion which was the er issue of er changing worker densities er to calculate land requirements .
17 The other thing perhaps I could just say , chairman , is that I did meet a representative of the district auditor last week to bring you up to date on the work which the education committee was doing .
18 Perhaps I could just add something to the the the item about the data processing .
19 £ Well , I think I really had better stop there , and then if you want to ask any questions erm we can go into them , but perhaps I could just mention two things that I would like to have said more about , one was , that you probably know , there were three or two major epidemics in Oxford , of what they call plague , but it was probably a form of typhus , in 1643 and 44 , and a good deal of sickness , I think , still in 1645 , and the other was that there was a very serious fire , which almost certainly arose from these kind of living conditions , because Anthony Wood says it was a soldier roasting pig , erm and I think a lot of cooking went on in very unsuitable situations .
20 But , if you will forgive me , perhaps I can just correct you on a couple of points ; I think instead of ‘ a mole ’ it should read ‘ an arsehole ’ , and for ‘ hole ’ , dare I suggest ‘ dreamworld ’ ?
21 Erm the following the the last meeting of the committee , erm the matter was er raised by your Chairman and er he asked me to send to all of you er a copy of an extract from the erm Commissions Report relating to Derbyshire and a copy of a Department of the Environment press release of the twenty second of October which refers to one or two things that er David Curry had said about strategic planning and that was sent out to all members of the committee on the twenty second of November and erm n not expecting you to have brought back with you or to have remembered exactly what it said , perhaps I can just erm refer to the , the options for erm strategic planning that were outlined by Mr Curry in that press release and i the er erm er paper that he had delivered .
22 The erm safety on the transport yes I mean I am very happy to say that we will ask the , the staff to look at that and perhaps I can just clarify the meaning of that paragraph ah in four point eight when it says a m a new member of staff it means a new member of staff will be responsible for health and safety not just one person on his own .
23 Per perhaps I can just say one point .
24 Or perhaps she would just tell us that her child is not yet ready ; she would be right .
25 Perhaps she should just forget it and fly straight back to London .
26 she does feel guilty perhaps she can just try and cut down a bit now .
27 But as you are , perhaps you might just do it in silence . ’
28 Perhaps you 'd just tell me the details , and I 'll make one or two notes .
29 Craig : Perhaps you could just lose what 's left of the book , forget about it .
30 Perhaps , from those remarks , it 's hardly a question but perhaps you could just clarify
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