Example sentences of "possible [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ordinance envisioned a common and compulsory branding system which would make possible the easy identification of cattle from anywhere in the island .
2 If possible the new pasture should have a good nutritional value ; alternatively some supplementary feeding may be given .
3 Training will be given and wherever possible the new representative will be thrown in at the deep end .
4 Exon amplification methods offer an alternative strategy by making possible the selective amplification of functional exons from cloned genomic DNA .
5 His voyage is based on similar ones which , he believes , were carried out by Chinese in the third century BC , and which made possible the great civilisations of Central and South America .
6 This simple notion made possible the automatic filling of matchboxes and gave the Swedes a world monopoly on matches for half a century .
7 Hitachi says it has already done a lot of work on the application of image recognition techniques , including the development of a method of automatic Table of Contents generation , which uses the detection of changes in colour distribution to distinguish different frames , thus making possible the automatic analysis of camera work .
8 Ethel Helliwell is seen checking the electric wiring which made possible the spectacular effects
9 Mr Chairman I 'll try and be as brief as brief as possible the economic development strategy programme for nineteen ninety four , ninety five has been reduced in the light of the review of the activity concerned with the prosperity and consultation and with widely increased organisations and public agencies .
10 So Marion , back on the boards after the death of her boring solicitor husband some years ago , compressed her lips and maintained as well as possible the stately calm that so well suited her part as the Balkan Countess whose family jewels were stolen in this season 's Salt and Pepper offering ( Robson the butler was the master crook , in league with the Countess 's French maid ) .
11 Consider the statement that good weather in c ] de possible the early appearance of my snowdrops .
12 Although the electronics industry has changed greatly , possible the greatest change is that very little component level manufacture is done in this country .
13 In a centralised education system , the setting up of machinery to undertake curriculum planning and development is no more than a means towards making possible the six processes I outlined at the beginning of this chapter and which in our ideal world should have happened logically at national level : laying a research base for change , deciding objectives , forming a strategy , developing materials , implementing them and evaluating both the process and the result — a clinical sequence which even the methodical Swedes did not perform to their satisfaction .
14 One measure of a successful department will be its primary/secondary links in terms of the frequency of consultation between phases , the level of joint planning between them and where possible the coherent management of a cross-phase unit of study .
15 But in the 1860s and 1870s the development of the steam trawler , the use of ice for preservation , and the exploitation of the rail network signalled the arrival of cheap cod and made possible the fish-and-chip shops which multiplied at the end of the century to furnish an important source of protein to the working class .
16 ‘ Digital technology makes possible the simultaneous transmission of multiple conversations and other data over the same lines .
17 But with the assistance of a Warrington watchmaker , John Kay , he invented improvements to machinery used in the local cotton industry , and in 1769 patented a spinning frame , which made possible the mechanical spinning of the warp , whereas the early Spinning Jenny was only suitable for spinning the weft .
18 Where possible the purified proteins have been sequenced at the amino terminus to confirm the presence of the expected mutation .
19 Reflect as closely as possible the normal reporting structure of the organisation .
20 I would be very grateful for a response , as soon as is convenient , covering if possible the following points :
21 The time was ripe for such an approach , because progress in chemistry was just beginning to make possible the effective study of very large molecules such as those that formed the main constituents of chromatin .
22 First , undecidability and paradox are the basis of the ‘ new sciences ’ which have made possible the technological innovations we currently enjoy , and written narrative is uniquely suited to accommodating logically impossible situations and mixing heterogeneous ontological postulates .
23 It had been Conneau who , in fact , had made possible the famous escape in 1846 by maintaining the pretence of his patient 's illness on the appointed day , thereby preventing the prison governor from making his daily visit .
24 It is possible the low rates for Blacks were due to under-reporting by black victims of black offenders in these areas , or under-recording by the police .
25 It is this width of opinion and preference , and the infinite variety and ability of the rose to supply and please all tastes , that makes possible the incessant striving to breed , introduce and sell something new .
26 Stamp duty on most house sales was effectively suspended for eight months ; building societies and banks agreed to put up some £750-£1,000 million for rent-back or similar schemes to help mortgage payers who were in difficulties ; and legislation was to be introduced to make possible the direct payment of mortgage interest by the government to lenders where borrowers were in receipt of ( social security ) income support .
27 In financing the development at home and abroad of the railways , it made possible the enormous growth in the production first of iron , later of steel , which characterised the secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution and guaranteed it as an irreversible change .
28 Arrange the substitution items into groups with the same number of syllables , and as far as possible the same CV pattern , and the same length and stress pattern .
29 ‘ They think Sybil was the victim of a walk-in thief maybe a junkie , and it 's possible the same person killed Angy . ’
30 I have to scuff the other foot as well , with as near as possible the same weight , to feel good again .
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