Example sentences of "believe that [noun] will " in BNC.

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1 But Joyce has never stopped believing that peace will come to the grim back streets of Belfast .
2 There are good family economic reasons for believing that fertility will not become high .
3 ‘ Does anyone really believe that Israel will sit down with someone who was convicted or involved directly in violence against Jews ? ’ he asked .
4 I do not believe that Maastricht will be the ultimate summit on such matters .
5 I do not believe that magistrates will be able to show any greater compassion or understanding that our own elected members .
6 Bearing in mind the urgency of the matter now , after so many years , when does he believe that action will be taken ?
7 The EC does not believe that recognition will be a panacea for Bosnia , the tinderbox of the First World War and a patchwork of warring groups made up of 60 per cent Muslims , 30 per cent Serbs and 20 per cent Croats .
8 As long as the attitudes to women 's status and obligations and the division of labour within the family remain unchanged , it is difficult to believe that gender will be irrelevant to politics .
9 It must also be remembered , however , that there is every reason to believe that dunes will represent the interaction between local wind and sand conditions and the resultants of short term and long term changes in these conditions .
10 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
11 Even if the defendant himself can plausibly say that he did not intend to use violence , it is sufficient if he uses the language or behaviour in a situation where the addressee is likely to believe that violence will be used against him either by the speaker or by other persons .
12 There is also an increasing awareness amongst neo-Marxists that the failure of state socialist regimes ' consumer markets and productivity rates to compare favourably with Western capitalism gives workers in capitalist society little reason to believe that socialism will improve their material prosperity .
13 It is not necessary to believe that Christ will be here tomorrow , although it may help to believe that he will be here some time .
14 Given the substantial experience that many schools have built up of alternative timetabling structures — through the provision of BTEC courses , for instance , or CPVE , or through modular and cyclical courses under TVEI — it is hard to believe that schools will not take the opportunity of reviewing present practice to reflect more closely what we know about effective learning .
15 Whatever problems they have , and whatever disasters in some spheres affect those countries , I believe that history will judge them as two remarkable and courageous men .
16 The investment curve will shift to I 2 and investment will increase quite markedly to Q 2 If , on the other hand , firms believe that inflation will now rise , which in turn will later force the authorities to pursue a tighter monetary policy , their confidence may well decrease .
17 Many local people believe that development will profit them , and those concerned about the environment have been threatened as a result .
18 Dr Maurice Albin and others from the Department of Anaesthesiology at the University of Texas , Health Science Center in San Antonio , believe that DMSO will reduce the size of lesions by mopping up highly-reactive substances called free radicals , which are produced in the brain luring the breakdown of alcohol to acetaldehyde .
19 Some naturalists believe that tigers will mate at any time of year .
20 This is the point at issue in the ideological struggle between those who believe that TNCs will inevitably damage Third World development prospects in the long run , as against those who believe that there will be no development prospects without the TNCs .
21 They believe that revenue will reach £820m a year in 2003 and £997m in 2013 — respectively 6.7 per cent and 8 per cent higher than forecast last year .
22 However , we believe that readers will come to understand by the end of the book that combining the two stories is not as easy as it at first seems .
23 By the year 2000 , experts believe that airbags will be saving some 9,000 lives per year in the US alone .
24 I realize that there may well be seven others doing exactly the same thing , but I believe that God will help the most sincere and the most deserving .
25 When America does lift its trade embargo , they believe that Vietnam will receive help from the IMF and massive Japanese investment .
26 Although a similar performance next year would be difficult , the valuation of the market is modest and analysts believe that Oslo will keep outperforming other European markets for the time being .
27 ‘ The object is to entertain the viewer , and we believe that Rebecca will help to do that . ’
28 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
29 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
30 But he admitted : ‘ I believe that unemployment will go on rising for some time yet , but what is certain is that the measures I have taken will assist the employment situation . ’
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