Example sentences of "believe that [noun] would " in BNC.

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1 Many owners — probably correctly — believed that prices would ultimately rise again , and few wanted to sell land at dramatically lower prices than had been initially paid to acquire it .
2 He believed that Germanisation would bring the Poles security and a place in the world that they could not otherwise expect .
3 He believed that work would go ahead , although it would be delayed and might take until 2004 to complete .
4 They believed that inflation would go up and that interest rates would go up , which would clearly lead to higher unemployment in Yorkshire and Humberside .
5 But I doggedly believed that things would change , that they could only get better , yet when I reached the outcrop I wailed with despair .
6 of them believed that recession would get worse under a Labour Government , and not one of them believed that it would get better .
7 Many of the reformers of the 1870s and 1880s believed that women would earn both a new respect , if they could eschew the frivolities of fashion , and a new freedom which would liberate them to perform a useful role in society .
8 The Basques , romantics to a man , believed that Fate would give Biarritz a helping hand .
9 My sister ate , but I refused , not out of sacrifice nor because I was resisting temptation ( I firmly believed that meat would make me ill , as my mother said ) , but because I knew — though this formulation is the adult 's rather than the ten-year old 's — that the price of the meal was condemnation of my mother 's oddness , and I was n't having that .
10 Lenin believed that bureaucracy would become redundant after a proletarian revolution which would provide for the instant revocability of every civil servant , the reduction of official salaries and the simplification of control and accounting functions in society .
11 With Bevin he also believed that Britain would have much less influence in Washington without some nuclear capability of her own .
12 At first , I believed that disorder would decrease when the universe recollapsed .
13 Heavily drawn from the days when rock writers wore leather trousers and believed that rock would save the world .
14 Many hoped and believed that Hitler would prove right in his prophecies , and that the decisive blow to the Russian colossus was imminent .
15 Even so , the number of those who believed that Hitler would have been one of the greatest German statesmen of all time had it not been for the war remained relatively high , though this figure too had fallen sharply ( from 48 per cent in 1955 to 32 per cent by 1967 ) .
16 He believed that socialism would not come about as the inevitable result of impersonal laws of economic development but would have to be built by active human beings working purposively and creatively .
17 Despite the cold , he believed that people would be prepared to watch football at night .
18 The right hon. Gentleman will be aware that the case for pardoning Derek Bentley was supported by his trial jury , which recommended mercy in 1952 ; by the Lord Chief Justice of the day ; by the trial judge , who said subsequently that he believed that Bentley would not hang ; a subsequent Lord Chancellor , Lord Hailsham ; by many members of another place ; by many right hon. and hon. Members of this House — nearly one third of whom signed a recent early-day motion ; and by millions of our fellow citizens .
19 of people in that wider community told a Harris poll that they believed that Labour would raise the basic rate of tax , 57 per cent .
20 On the matter of ‘ Increasing respect for the United States overseas ’ , 42 per cent believed that Reagan would do the better job as compared to 31 per cent for Carter .
21 The early testers believed that tests would open doors to disadvantaged people , not close them .
22 They were the main enemies of the predominant sect , the Pharisees , who believed that salvation would only come if they adhered strictly to the Mosaic law , as originally set out in Deuteronomy where it was made clear that the chosen people must be a ‘ clean ’ people .
23 That same society once believed that science would overcome all its problems .
24 In September 1939 , when war broke out in the West , almost everyone in our part of the world believed that Mussolini would join in as an ally of Hitler ; in 1936 the German alliance with Italy , the Berlin-Rome Axis , had been established .
25 In the late 1960s almost all major exporters began to cut back production , apparently believing that surpluses would otherwise become unsustainable .
26 Believing that land would not be far away , they began searching , mainly to the north , using the reef as a base .
27 The hon. Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) would be shocked if she knew the extent to which the hon. Member for Dagenham attempts to lead the public into believing that Labour would operate a more generous rebate system .
28 But I could n't believe that Cawthorne would be so lax .
29 The incident had never been referred to again and Dorothea did not believe that Alida would remember it .
30 Horribly frightened by this time , for she could not believe that Susan would have gone out of the house , she ran into the kitchen , and stopped short at the sight of the familiar figure sitting crouched in front of the fire .
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