Example sentences of "believe that [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deists and Christian rationalists of the Enlightenment believed that rational argument could demonstrate the existence of God , just as Descartes had maintained before them .
2 Arabella Keneally , a strong anti-feminist and populariser of medical views on women ( especially those of Geddes and Thompson ) , believed that higher education for women induced hormonal imbalance .
3 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
4 A married woman with three children , Karen believed that all lovemaking was rape , even when it did n't seem that way to either of the participants .
5 She believed that private medicine ought not to coexist by the side of the Health Service ; or perhaps more fairly , that if it did exist it should not derive any benefits from the Health Service , and that none of the resources of the Service ought properly to be available to private practitioners .
6 The old regime believed that such accountability and planning ran counter to the culture of academic autonomy .
7 One chief executive believed that such thinking was so important to his organization 's success in a high-tech field that he staged a highly imaginative top management meeting .
8 ‘ Kao Tzu believed that each man , at birth , was like a willow tree , and that righteousness was like a bowl .
9 He believed that good architecture could only be created by good people and that you could only be good by being an unreformed Christian .
10 2 ) With a larger number of employees we believed that accurate routine manpower information in a number of key areas — such as labour turnover , recruitment , and pay and benefit levels — becomes a still more important issue .
11 This trend was welcomed by articulate working class women 's groups such as the Women 's Cooperative Guild , because of poor working class housing conditions and because they believed that working class wives needed a respite from the cares of managing a household .
12 Rachel believed that mechanistic science could explain all phenomena , even those of the heart and soul ; Rachel would never have forgiven her , the last place of safety and affection would have been taken away .
13 The preferences of those who believed that one candidate was going to win would be compared with those who believed that the rival was going to win ; the hypothesis would be that the former would be more sympathetic to the candidate than the latter .
14 Reformers believed that one way of preventing these marriages was to provide clubs with attractive and organized recreational facilities in the hope that ‘ the girl who has her clubs will not need the idle companionship of lads ’ .
15 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
16 Marx believed that Western society had developed through four main epochs : primitive communism , ancient society , feudal society and capitalist society .
17 Unlike Eisenhower ( who had argued in 1959 , that if the Soviets really intended to make trouble they could be deterred only with the threat of nuclear war ) , Kennedy believed that Western diplomacy should be backed up by increased conventional forces on the continent .
18 Despite not committing himself about specific grievances , Woolf believed that genuine injustice contributes to a lack of legitimacy which in turn makes disorder more likely .
19 Indeed , Wycliffe maintained that Gaunt regarded political instability as one of the greatest evils that could befall a state ; and Gaunt 's political career suggests that he believed that political stability was best ensured by the maintenance of the prerogatives of the monarchy .
20 Almost all Japanese believed that colonial rule in Korea should be extended for a very lengthy period , if not permanently .
21 Whereas Herodotus transformed ‘ history ’ ( historia ) from a general enquiry about the world into an enquiry about past events , Thucydides believed that serious history could be concerned only with the present , or the immediate past .
22 They believed that mental illness was substantially underfunded in their region .
23 They hoped and believed that Bonar Law would fail to secure an overall majority for the Conservative Party .
24 The decision is part of a much wider shift in government thinking , in which Mr Patten has clearly been given Cabinet permission to distance his own policy from that of predecessors , such as Michael Heseltine , and , to a lesser extent , Mr Ridley , now Trade and Industry Secretary , who believed that economic success depended on getting the planner off the backs of business and citizen alike .
25 A few leading officials believed that free speech , human rights and other concepts embraced by the term ‘ democracy ’ were honourable in themselves , but mostly it appeared that support for democracy was based on promoting economic progress .
26 However , Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system .
27 The nineteenth century Germanic philologist Jakob Grimm believed that grammatical gender was in some sense a more advanced form of natural gender .
28 Langdon believed that American determination to resist Soviet expansion in Korea had to be demonstrated and that the current unpopularity of communists in the south should be used to encourage the moderates in north Korea .
29 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
30 Tom believed that any day was the day .
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