Example sentences of "believe that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that Soviet leaders in retrospect probably recognised that a genuinely non-aligned Afghanistan pursuing non-radical policies was a better guardian of Soviet security interests .
2 Carleton believed that hard-line Protestants like himself were the queen 's only reliable subjects , her very ‘ bowels ’ .
3 The Slavophile , Ivan Aksakov , believed that landlord–peasant relationships were deteriorating by the year and could be stabilized only if the government acted quickly .
4 The deists and Christian rationalists of the Enlightenment believed that rational argument could demonstrate the existence of God , just as Descartes had maintained before them .
5 Arabella Keneally , a strong anti-feminist and populariser of medical views on women ( especially those of Geddes and Thompson ) , believed that higher education for women induced hormonal imbalance .
6 He believed that religious ideas had an independent historical influence , and that the realm of politics was usually the crucial controlling force in social change .
7 They offered no alternative strategies , but all believed that encouraging children to enjoy good books freely was the soundest way of holding on to readers and of creating a new generation of them .
8 They also believed that other countries were overtaking Britain in every way ; , and of course , as in the 1950s and 1960s , the fallacy of a ‘ declining share ’ of world trade etc. was easy to convey and difficult to expose .
9 They must have talked long and hard about their future , and from now on Helen believed that other people would probably regard them as being ‘ engaged ’ — a term she hated because of the overtones of male dominance and female sexual ignorance that went with it .
10 He was able to tolerate this because he did have a kind of ultimate theological perspective of his own : in a style that owed a good deal to Hegel , he believed that all history is a movement of the spirit which is on the way to a return to God , and will at the last find its home in God .
11 A married woman with three children , Karen believed that all lovemaking was rape , even when it did n't seem that way to either of the participants .
12 Frank Salter , the District Treasurer from 1918 , believed that financial appeals for new income in a sparsely populated region with a low wage economy and high unemployment , was an insuperable task and in 1931 he was succeeded by Lionel Elvin , Fellow of Trinity Hall , as the District 's honorary treasurer , and who brought much vigour and commitment to resolving the perennial financial problem .
13 Until then the Greeks believed that recent events were unimportant compared with the exploits of the heroes in Trojan times .
14 She believed that private medicine ought not to coexist by the side of the Health Service ; or perhaps more fairly , that if it did exist it should not derive any benefits from the Health Service , and that none of the resources of the Service ought properly to be available to private practitioners .
15 The old regime believed that such accountability and planning ran counter to the culture of academic autonomy .
16 One chief executive believed that such thinking was so important to his organization 's success in a high-tech field that he staged a highly imaginative top management meeting .
17 ‘ Kao Tzu believed that each man , at birth , was like a willow tree , and that righteousness was like a bowl .
18 Both the official and non-official élites believed that many charges were not true , but there was no agreement about the proportion of false cases , or about the number of crimes which were never reported .
19 He believed that good architecture could only be created by good people and that you could only be good by being an unreformed Christian .
20 2 ) With a larger number of employees we believed that accurate routine manpower information in a number of key areas — such as labour turnover , recruitment , and pay and benefit levels — becomes a still more important issue .
21 This trend was welcomed by articulate working class women 's groups such as the Women 's Cooperative Guild , because of poor working class housing conditions and because they believed that working class wives needed a respite from the cares of managing a household .
22 The Government believed that postal ballots were essential for the nation 's industrial recovery and regeneration , Mr Galbraith said .
23 Rachel believed that mechanistic science could explain all phenomena , even those of the heart and soul ; Rachel would never have forgiven her , the last place of safety and affection would have been taken away .
24 The preferences of those who believed that one candidate was going to win would be compared with those who believed that the rival was going to win ; the hypothesis would be that the former would be more sympathetic to the candidate than the latter .
25 Reformers believed that one way of preventing these marriages was to provide clubs with attractive and organized recreational facilities in the hope that ‘ the girl who has her clubs will not need the idle companionship of lads ’ .
26 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
27 Mindful of recent events in Dakar , these officials believed that Allied interests would best be served by maintaining a working relationship with Vichy administrators .
28 He believed that lower taxes were the route to higher growth and more jobs .
29 Marx believed that Western society had developed through four main epochs : primitive communism , ancient society , feudal society and capitalist society .
30 Unlike Eisenhower ( who had argued in 1959 , that if the Soviets really intended to make trouble they could be deterred only with the threat of nuclear war ) , Kennedy believed that Western diplomacy should be backed up by increased conventional forces on the continent .
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